Line In Cubic Even case #
We say that a linear solution satisfies the lineInCubic
if the line through that point and through the two different planes formed by the basis of
lies in the cubic.
We show that for a solution all its permutations satisfy this property, then there exists a permutation for which it lies in the plane spanned by the first part of the basis.
The main reference for this file is:
This lemma states that for a given S
of type (PureU1 (2 * n.succ)).AnomalyFreeLinear
a proof h
that the line through S
lies on a cubic curve,
for any functions g : Fin n.succ → ℚ
and f : Fin n → ℚ
, if S.val = P g + P! f
then accCubeTriLinSymm.toFun (P g, P g, P! f) = 0
A LinSol
satisfies LineInCubicPerm
if all its permutations satisfy lineInCubic
- PureU1.Even.LineInCubicPerm S = ∀ (M : (PureU1.FamilyPermutations (2 * n.succ)).group), PureU1.Even.LineInCubic (((PureU1.FamilyPermutations (2 * n.succ)).linSolRep M) S)
Instances For
If lineInCubicPerm S
then lineInCubic S
If lineInCubicPerm S
then lineInCubicPerm (M S)
for all permutations M