PhysLean Documentation


Line In Cubic Even case #

We say that a linear solution satisfies the lineInCubic property if the line through that point and through the two different planes formed by the basis of LinSols lies in the cubic.

We show that for a solution all its permutations satisfy this property, then there exists a permutation for which it lies in the plane spanned by the first part of the basis.

The main reference for this file is:

A property on LinSols, satisfied if every point on the line between the two planes in the basis through that point is in the cubic.

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Instances For

    This lemma states that for a given S of type (PureU1 (2 * n.succ)).AnomalyFreeLinear and a proof h that the line through S lies on a cubic curve, for any functions g : Fin n.succ → ℚ and f : Fin n → ℚ, if S.val = P g + P! f, then accCubeTriLinSymm.toFun (P g, P g, P! f) = 0.

    A LinSol satisfies LineInCubicPerm if all its permutations satisfy lineInCubic.

    Instances For

      If lineInCubicPerm S then lineInCubic S.

      If lineInCubicPerm S then lineInCubicPerm (M S) for all permutations M.