PhysLean Documentation


Basic set up for anomaly cancellation conditions #

This file defines the basic structures for the anomaly cancellation conditions.

It defines a module structure on the charges, and the solutions to the linear ACCs.

A system of charges, specified by the number of charges.

  • numberCharges :

    The number of charges.

Instances For

    Creates an ACCSystemCharges object with the specified number of charges.

    Instances For

      The charges as functions from Fin χ.numberCharges → ℚ.

      Instances For

        An instance to provide the necessary operations and properties for charges to form an additive commutative monoid.

        theorem ACCSystemCharges.chargesAddCommMonoid_nsmul (χ : ACCSystemCharges) (n : ) (x : (i : Fin χ.numberCharges) → (fun (a : Fin χ.numberCharges) => ) i) (i : Fin χ.numberCharges) :
        (n x) i = n * x i
        theorem ACCSystemCharges.chargesAddCommMonoid_add (χ : ACCSystemCharges) (f g : (i : Fin χ.numberCharges) → (fun (a : Fin χ.numberCharges) => ) i) (i : Fin χ.numberCharges) :
        (f + g) i = f i + g i

        An instance to provide the necessary operations and properties for charges to form a module over the field .

        theorem ACCSystemCharges.chargesModule_smul (χ : ACCSystemCharges) (x1✝ : ) (x2✝ : (i : Fin χ.numberCharges) → (fun (a : Fin χ.numberCharges) => ) i) (i : Fin χ.numberCharges) :
        SMul.smul x1✝ x2✝ i = x1✝ * x2✝ i

        An instance provides the necessary operations and properties for charges to form an additive commutative group.


        The type of charges plus the linear ACCs.

        Instances For

          The type of solutions to the linear ACCs.

          Instances For
            theorem ACCSystemLinear.LinSols.ext {χ : ACCSystemLinear} {S T : χ.LinSols} (h : S.val = T.val) :
            S = T

            Two solutions are equal if the underlying charges are equal.

            An instance providing the operations and properties for LinSols to form an additive commutative monoid.


            An instance providing the operations and properties for LinSols to form a module over .


            An instance providing the operations and properties for LinSols to form an additive commutative group.


            The inclusion of LinSols into charges.

            Instances For

              The type of charges plus the linear ACCs plus the quadratic ACCs.

              Instances For
                structure ACCSystemQuad.QuadSols (χ : ACCSystemQuad) extends χ.LinSols :

                The type of solutions to the linear and quadratic ACCs.

                Instances For
                  theorem ACCSystemQuad.QuadSols.ext {χ : ACCSystemQuad} {S T : χ.QuadSols} (h : S.val = T.val) :
                  S = T

                  Two QuadSols are equal if the underlying charges are equal.

                  An instance giving the properties and structures to define an action of on QuadSols.


                  The inclusion of quadratic solutions into linear solutions.

                  Instances For

                    The inclusion of the linear solutions into the quadratic solutions, where there is no quadratic equations (i.e. no U(1)'s in the underlying gauge group).

                    Instances For

                      The inclusion of quadratic solutions into all charges.

                      Instances For
                        structure ACCSystemextends ACCSystemQuad :

                        The type of charges plus the anomaly cancellation conditions.

                        Instances For
                          structure ACCSystem.Sols (χ : ACCSystem) extends χ.QuadSols :

                          The type of solutions to the anomaly cancellation conditions.

                          Instances For
                            theorem ACCSystem.Sols.ext {χ : ACCSystem} {S T : χ.Sols} (h : S.val = T.val) :
                            S = T

                            Two solutions are equal if the underlying charges are equal.

                            A charge S is a solution if it extends to a solution.

                            Instances For

                              An instance giving the properties and structures to define an action of on Sols.


                              The inclusion of Sols into QuadSols.

                              Instances For

                                The inclusion of Sols into LinSols.

                                Instances For
                                  structure ACCSystem.Hom (χ η : ACCSystem) :

                                  The structure of a map between two ACCSystems.

                                  Instances For
                                    def ACCSystem.Hom.comp {χ η ε : ACCSystem} (g : η.Hom ε) (f : χ.Hom η) :
                                    χ.Hom ε

                                    The definition of composition between two ACCSystems.

                                    Instances For