PhysLean Documentation


Line in plane condition #

We say a LinSol satisfies the line in plane condition if for all distinct i1, i2, i3 in Fin n, we have S i1 = S i2 or S i1 = - S i2 or 2 S i3 + S i1 + S i2 = 0.

We look at various consequences of this. The main reference for this material is

We will show that n ≥ 4 the line in plane condition on solutions implies the constAbs condition.

The proposition on three rationals to satisfy the linInPlane condition.

Instances For

    The proposition on a LinSol to satisfy the linInPlane condition.

    Instances For
      theorem PureU1.lineInPlaneCond_eq_last' {n : } {S : (PureU1 n.succ.succ).LinSols} (hS : LineInPlaneCond S) (h : ¬S.val (Fin.last n).castSucc ^ 2 = S.val (Fin.last n).succ ^ 2) :
      (2 - n) * S.val (Fin.last (n + 1)) = -(2 - n) * S.val (Fin.last n).castSucc