PhysLean Documentation


Charges assignments with constant abs #

We look at charge assignments in which all charges have the same absolute value.

The condition for two rationals to have the same square (equivalent to same abs).

Instances For
    def PureU1.ConstAbs {n : } (S : (PureU1 n).Charges) :

    The condition on a charge assignment S to have constant absolute value among charges.

    Instances For
      theorem PureU1.constAbs_sort {n : } {S : (PureU1 n).Charges} (CA : ConstAbs S) :

      The condition for a set of charges to be sorted, and have constAbs

      Instances For
        theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.lt_eq {n : } {S : (PureU1 n.succ).Charges} (hS : ConstAbsSorted S) {k i : Fin n.succ} (hk : S k 0) (hik : i k) :
        S i = S k
        theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.val_le_zero {n : } {S : (PureU1 n.succ).Charges} (hS : ConstAbsSorted S) {i : Fin n.succ} (hi : S i 0) :
        S i = S 0
        theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.gt_eq {n : } {S : (PureU1 n.succ).Charges} (hS : ConstAbsSorted S) {k i : Fin n.succ} (hk : 0 S k) (hik : k i) :
        S i = S k
        theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.zero_gt {n : } {S : (PureU1 n.succ).Charges} (hS : ConstAbsSorted S) (h0 : 0 S 0) (i : Fin n.succ) :
        S 0 = S i
        theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.opposite_signs_eq_neg {n : } {S : (PureU1 n.succ).Charges} (hS : ConstAbsSorted S) {i j : Fin n.succ} (hi : S i 0) (hj : 0 S j) :
        S i = -S j
        theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.is_zero {n : } {S : (PureU1 n.succ).Charges} (hS : ConstAbsSorted S) (h0 : S 0 = 0) :
        S = 0

        A boundary of S : (PureU1 n.succ).charges (assumed sorted, constAbs and non-zero) is defined as a element of k ∈ Fin n such that S k.castSucc and S k.succ are different signs.

        Instances For
          theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.boundary_castSucc {n : } {S : (PureU1 n.succ).Charges} (hS : ConstAbsSorted S) {k : Fin n} (hk : Boundary S k) :
          S k.castSucc = S 0
          theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.boundary_succ {n : } {S : (PureU1 n.succ).Charges} (hS : ConstAbsSorted S) {k : Fin n} (hk : Boundary S k) :
          S k.succ = -S 0
          theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.boundary_split {n : } (k : Fin n) :
          k.succ + (n.succ - k.succ) = n.succ
          theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.boundary_accGrav' {n : } {S : (PureU1 n.succ).Charges} (k : Fin n) :
          (accGrav n.succ) S = i : Fin (k.succ + (n.succ - k.succ)), S (Fin.cast i)
          theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.boundary_accGrav'' {n : } {S : (PureU1 n.succ).Charges} (hS : ConstAbsSorted S) (k : Fin n) (hk : Boundary S k) :
          (accGrav n.succ) S = (2 * k + 1 - n) * S 0

          A S ∈ charges has a boundary if there exists a k ∈ Fin n which is a boundary.

          Instances For
            theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.not_hasBoundary_zero_le {n : } {S : (PureU1 n.succ).Charges} (hS : ConstAbsSorted S) (hnot : ¬HasBoundary S) (h0 : S 0 < 0) (i : Fin (PureU1 n.succ).numberCharges) :
            S 0 = S i
            theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.not_hasBoundry_zero {n : } {S : (PureU1 n.succ).Charges} (hS : ConstAbsSorted S) (hnot : ¬HasBoundary S) (i : Fin n.succ) :
            S 0 = S i
            theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.AFL_odd_zero {n : } {A : (PureU1 (2 * n + 1)).LinSols} (h : ConstAbsSorted A.val) :
            A.val 0 = 0
            theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.AFL_odd {n : } (A : (PureU1 (2 * n + 1)).LinSols) (h : ConstAbsSorted A.val) :
            A = 0
            theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.AFL_even_Boundary {n : } {A : (PureU1 (2 * n.succ)).LinSols} (h : ConstAbsSorted A.val) (hA : A.val 0 0) {k : Fin (2 * n + 1)} (hk : Boundary A.val k) :
            k = n
            theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.AFL_even_below' {n : } {A : (PureU1 (2 * n.succ)).LinSols} (h : ConstAbsSorted A.val) (hA : A.val 0 0) (i : Fin n.succ) :
            A.val (Fin.cast (Fin.castAdd n.succ i)) = A.val 0
            theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.AFL_even_below {n : } (A : (PureU1 (2 * n.succ)).LinSols) (h : ConstAbsSorted A.val) (i : Fin n.succ) :
            A.val (Fin.cast (Fin.castAdd n.succ i)) = A.val 0
            theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.AFL_even_above' {n : } {A : (PureU1 (2 * n.succ)).LinSols} (h : ConstAbsSorted A.val) (hA : A.val 0 0) (i : Fin n.succ) :
            A.val (Fin.cast (Fin.natAdd n.succ i)) = -A.val 0
            theorem PureU1.ConstAbsSorted.AFL_even_above {n : } (A : (PureU1 (2 * n.succ)).LinSols) (h : ConstAbsSorted A.val) (i : Fin n.succ) :
            A.val (Fin.cast (Fin.natAdd n.succ i)) = -A.val 0
            theorem PureU1.ConstAbs.boundary_value_odd {n : } (S : (PureU1 (2 * n + 1)).LinSols) (hs : ConstAbs S.val) :
            S = 0