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Basis of LinSols in the even case #

We give a basis of LinSols in the even case. This basis has the special property that splits into two planes on which every point is a solution to the ACCs.

theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.n_cond₂ (n : ) :
1 + (n + n + 1) = 2 * n.succ

The inclusion of Fin n.succ into Fin (n.succ + n.succ) via the first n.succ, casted into Fin (2 * n.succ).

Instances For

    The inclusion of Fin n.succ into Fin (n.succ + n.succ) via the second n.succ, casted into Fin (2 * n.succ).

    Instances For

      The inclusion of Fin n into Fin (1 + (n + n + 1)) via the first n, casted into Fin (2 * n.succ).

      Instances For

        The inclusion of Fin n into Fin (1 + (n + n + 1)) via the second n, casted into Fin (2 * n.succ).

        Instances For

          The element of Fin (1 + (n + n + 1)) corresponding to the first 1, casted into Fin (2 * n.succ).

          Instances For

            The element of Fin (1 + (n + n + 1)) corresponding to the second 1, casted into Fin (2 * n.succ).

            Instances For
              theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.ext_even {n : } (S T : Fin (2 * n.succ)) (h1 : ∀ (i : Fin n.succ), S (evenFst i) = T (evenFst i)) (h2 : ∀ (i : Fin n.succ), S (evenSnd i) = T (evenSnd i)) :
              S = T
              theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.sum_even {n : } (S : Fin (2 * n.succ)) :
              i : Fin (2 * n.succ), S i = i : Fin n.succ, ((S evenFst) i + (S evenSnd) i)
              theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.sum_evenShift {n : } (S : Fin (2 * n.succ)) :
              i : Fin (2 * n.succ), S i = S evenShiftZero + S evenShiftLast + i : Fin n, ((S evenShiftFst) i + (S evenShiftSnd) i)
              theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.basis_on_other {n : } {k : Fin n.succ} {j : Fin (2 * n.succ)} (h1 : j evenFst k) (h2 : j evenSnd k) :
              theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.basis!_on_other {n : } {k : Fin n} {j : Fin (2 * n.succ)} (h1 : j evenShiftFst k) (h2 : j evenShiftSnd k) :

              The first part of the basis as LinSols.

              Instances For

                The second part of the basis as LinSols.

                Instances For

                  Swapping the elements evenShiftFst j and evenShiftSnd j is equivalent to adding a vector basis!AsCharges j.

                  A point in the span of the first part of the basis as a charge.

                  Instances For
                    def PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P! {n : } (f : Fin n) :

                    A point in the span of the second part of the basis as a charge.

                    Instances For
                      def PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.Pa {n : } (f : Fin n.succ) (g : Fin n) :

                      A point in the span of the basis as a charge.

                      Instances For
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P_evenFst {n : } (f : Fin n.succ) (j : Fin n.succ) :
                        P f (evenFst j) = f j
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P!_evenShiftFst {n : } (f : Fin n) (j : Fin n) :
                        P! f (evenShiftFst j) = f j
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.Pa_evenShiftFst {n : } (f : Fin n.succ) (g : Fin n) (j : Fin n) :
                        Pa f g (evenShiftFst j) = f j.succ + g j
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P_evenSnd {n : } (f : Fin n.succ) (j : Fin n.succ) :
                        P f (evenSnd j) = -f j
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P!_evenShiftSnd {n : } (f : Fin n) (j : Fin n) :
                        P! f (evenShiftSnd j) = -f j
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.Pa_evenShiftSnd {n : } (f : Fin n.succ) (g : Fin n) (j : Fin n) :
                        Pa f g (evenShiftSnd j) = -f j.castSucc - g j
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.Pa_evenShitZero {n : } (f : Fin n.succ) (g : Fin n) :
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P_linearACC {n : } (f : Fin n.succ) :
                        (accGrav (2 * n.succ)) (P f) = 0
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P_accCube {n : } (f : Fin n.succ) :
                        (accCube (2 * n.succ)) (P f) = 0
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P!_accCube {n : } (f : Fin n) :
                        (accCube (2 * n.succ)) (P! f) = 0
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P_P_P!_accCube {n : } (g : Fin n.succ) (j : Fin n) :
                        ((accCubeTriLinSymm (P g)) (P g)) (basis!AsCharges j) = g j.succ ^ 2 - g j.castSucc ^ 2
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P_P!_P!_accCube {n : } (g : Fin n) (j : Fin n.succ) :
                        ((accCubeTriLinSymm (P! g)) (P! g)) (basisAsCharges j) = P! g (evenFst j) ^ 2 - P! g (evenSnd j) ^ 2
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P_zero {n : } (f : Fin n.succ) (h : P f = 0) (i : Fin n.succ) :
                        f i = 0
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P!_zero {n : } (f : Fin n) (h : P! f = 0) (i : Fin n) :
                        f i = 0
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.Pa_zero {n : } (f : Fin n.succ) (g : Fin n) (h : Pa f g = 0) (i : Fin n.succ) :
                        f i = 0
                        theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.Pa_zero! {n : } (f : Fin n.succ) (g : Fin n) (h : Pa f g = 0) (i : Fin n) :
                        g i = 0

                        A point in the span of the first part of the basis.

                        Instances For
                          def PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P!' {n : } (f : Fin n) :

                          A point in the span of the second part of the basis.

                          Instances For

                            A point in the span of the whole basis.

                            Instances For
                              theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P'_val {n : } (f : Fin n.succ) :
                              (P' f).val = P f
                              theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.P!'_val {n : } (f : Fin n) :
                              (P!' f).val = P! f
                              theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.Pa'_eq {n : } (f f' : Fin n.succ Fin n) :
                              Pa' f = Pa' f' f = f'
                              def PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.join {n : } (g : Fin n.succ) (f : Fin n) :
                              Fin n.succ Fin n

                              A helper function for what follows.

                              Instances For
                                theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.join_ext {n : } (g g' : Fin n.succ) (f f' : Fin n) :
                                join g f = join g' f' g = g' f = f'
                                theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.join_Pa {n : } (g g' : Fin n.succ) (f f' : Fin n) :
                                Pa' (join g f) = Pa' (join g' f') Pa g f = Pa g' f'
                                theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.Pa_eq {n : } (g g' : Fin n.succ) (f f' : Fin n) :
                                Pa g f = Pa g' f' g = g' f = f'

                                The basis formed out of our basisa vectors.

                                Instances For
                                  theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.span_basis {n : } (S : (PureU1 (2 * n.succ)).LinSols) :
                                  ∃ (g : Fin n.succ) (f : Fin n), S.val = P g + P! f
                                  theorem PureU1.VectorLikeEvenPlane.span_basis_swap! {n : } {S' S : (PureU1 (2 * n.succ)).LinSols} (j : Fin n) (hS : ((FamilyPermutations (2 * n.succ)).linSolRep (pairSwap (evenShiftFst j) (evenShiftSnd j))) S = S') (g : Fin n.succ) (f : Fin n) (h : S.val = P g + P! f) :
                                  ∃ (g' : Fin n.succ) (f' : Fin n), S'.val = P g' + P! f' P! f' = P! f + (S.val (evenShiftSnd j) - S.val (evenShiftFst j)) basis!AsCharges j g' = g