PhysLean Documentation


Group actions on ACC systems. #

We define a group action on an ACC system as a representation on the vector spaces of charges under which the anomaly equations are invariant.

From this we define

structure ACCSystemGroupAction (χ : ACCSystem) :

The type of a group action on a system of charges is defined as a representation on the vector spaces of charges under which the anomaly equations are invariant.

Instances For

    The given instance of a group on the group field of a ACCSystemGroupAction.


    The action of a group element on the vector space of linear solutions.

    • G.linSolMap g = { toFun := fun (S : χ.LinSols) => { val := (G.rep g) S.val, linearSol := }, map_add' := , map_smul' := }
    Instances For

      The representation acting on the vector space of solutions to the linear ACCs.

      Instances For

        The representation on the charges and anomaly free solutions commutes with the inclusion.

        A multiplicative action of on quadSols.


        The group action acting on solutions to the anomaly cancellation conditions.
