Group actions on ACC systems. #
We define a group action on an ACC system as a representation on the vector spaces of charges under which the anomaly equations are invariant.
From this we define
- The representation acting on the vector space of solutions to the linear ACCs.
- The group action acting on solutions to the linear + quadratic equations.
- The group action acting on solutions to the anomaly cancellation conditions.
The type of a group action on a system of charges is defined as a representation on the vector spaces of charges under which the anomaly equations are invariant.
- group : Type
The underlying type of the group.
- rep : Representation ℚ χ.Charges
The representation of group acting on the vector space of charges.
- linearInvariant (i : Fin χ.numberLinear) (g : (S : χ.Charges) : (χ.linearACCs i) ((self.rep g) S) = (χ.linearACCs i) S
The invariance of the linear ACCs under the group action.
- quadInvariant (i : Fin χ.numberQuadratic) (g : (S : χ.Charges) : (χ.quadraticACCs i) ((self.rep g) S) = (χ.quadraticACCs i) S
The invariance of the quadratic ACCs under the group action.
The invariance of the cubic ACC under the group action.
Instances For
The given instance of a group on the group
field of a ACCSystemGroupAction
- G.instGroupGroup = G.groupInst
The action of a group element on the vector space of linear solutions.
Instances For
The representation acting on the vector space of solutions to the linear ACCs.
Instances For
The representation on the charges and anomaly free solutions commutes with the inclusion.
A multiplicative action of
on quadSols
- G.quadSolAction = ⋯ ⋯
The group action acting on solutions to the anomaly cancellation conditions.
- G.solAction = ⋯ ⋯