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Pure U(1) ACC system. #

We define the anomaly cancellation conditions for a pure U(1) gauge theory with n fermions.

The vector space of charges.

Instances For

    The gravitational anomaly.

    Instances For

      The symmetric trilinear form used to define the cubic anomaly.

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      Instances For
        theorem PureU1.accCubeTriLinSymm_toFun_apply_apply {n : } (S S✝ T : (PureU1Charges n).Charges) :
        ((accCubeTriLinSymm S) S✝) T = i : Fin n, S i * S✝ i * T i

        The cubic anomaly equation.

        Instances For
          theorem PureU1.accCube_explicit (n : ) (S : (PureU1Charges n).Charges) :
          (accCube n) S = i : Fin n, S i ^ 3

          The cubic ACC for the pure-U(1) anomaly equations is equal to the sum of the cubed charges.

          def PureU1 (n : ) :

          The ACC system for a pure $U(1)$ gauge theory with $n$ fermions.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            theorem PureU1_cubicACC_apply (n : ) (S : (PureU1.PureU1Charges n).Charges) :
            (PureU1 n).cubicACC S = i : Fin n, S i * S i * S i
            theorem PureU1_linearACCs (n : ) (i : Fin 1) :
            (PureU1 n).linearACCs i = match i with | 0 => PureU1.accGrav n
            theorem PureU1_quadraticACCs (n : ) (a✝ : Fin 0) :
            (PureU1 n).quadraticACCs a✝ = a✝.elim0
            def pureU1EqCharges {n m : } (h : n = m) :

            An equivalence of vector spaces of charges when the number of fermions is equal.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              theorem pureU1_linear {n : } (S : (PureU1 n).LinSols) :
              i : Fin (PureU1 n).numberCharges, S.val i = 0

              A solution to the pure U(1) accs satisfies the linear ACCs.

              theorem pureU1_cube {n : } (S : (PureU1 n).Sols) :
              i : Fin (PureU1 n).numberCharges, S.val i ^ 3 = 0

              A solution to the pure U(1) accs satisfies the cubic ACCs.

              theorem pureU1_last {n : } (S : (PureU1 n.succ).LinSols) :
              S.val (Fin.last n) = -i : Fin n, S.val i.castSucc

              The last charge of a solution to the linear ACCs is equal to the negation of the sum of the other charges.

              theorem pureU1_anomalyFree_ext {n : } {S T : (PureU1 n.succ).LinSols} (h : ∀ (i : Fin n), S.val i.castSucc = T.val i.castSucc) :
              S = T

              Two solutions to the Linear ACCs for n.succ are equal if their first n charges are equal.

              theorem PureU1.sum_of_charges {k n : } (f : Fin k(PureU1 n).Charges) (j : Fin n) :
              (∑ i : Fin k, f i) j = i : Fin k, f i j

              The jth charge of a sum of pure-U(1) charges is equal to the sum of their jth charges.

              theorem PureU1.sum_of_anomaly_free_linear {k n : } (f : Fin k(PureU1 n).LinSols) (j : Fin n) :
              (∑ i : Fin k, f i).val j = i : Fin k, (f i).val j

              The jth charge of a sum of solutions to the linear ACC is equal to the sum of their jth charges.