Metrics and basis expansions #
The expansion of the Lorentz covariant metric in terms of basis vectors.
Provides the explicit expansion of the co-metric tensor in terms of the basis elements, as a tensor tree.
contrMetric #
The expansion of the Lorentz contravariant metric in terms of basis vectors.
The expansion of the Lorentz contravariant metric in terms of basis vectors as a structured tensor tree.
The expansion of the Fermionic left metric in terms of basis vectors.
The expansion of the Fermionic left metric in terms of basis vectors as a structured tensor tree.
The expansion of the Fermionic alt-left metric in terms of basis vectors.
The expansion of the Fermionic alt-left metric in terms of basis vectors as a structured tensor tree.
The expansion of the Fermionic right metric in terms of basis vectors.
The expansion of the Fermionic right metric in terms of basis vectors as a structured tensor tree.
The expansion of the Fermionic alt-right metric in terms of basis vectors.
The expansion of the Fermionic alt-right metric in terms of basis vectors as a structured tensor tree.