Basis for tensors in a tensor species #
The multi-linear map from (fun i => S.FD.obj ( (c i)))
to S.k
the coordinate with respect to the basis described by b
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Instances For
The multi-linear map from (fun i => S.FD.obj ( (c i)))
((Π j, Fin (S.repDim (c j))) → S.k)
the coordinates with respect to the basis defined in S
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Instances For
The linear map from tensors to coordinates.
- S.coordinate c = (↑S.liftTensor).toFun (S.coordinateMultiLinear c)
Instances For
The basis vector of tensors given a b : Π j, Fin (S.repDim (c j))
- S.basisVector c b = (PiTensorProduct.tprod S.k) fun (i : ( Type).obj ( c).left) => (S.basis (c i)) (b i)
Instances For
The linear map taking a ((Π j, Fin (S.repDim (c j))) → S.k)
to a tensor, defined
by summing over basis.
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Instances For
The basis of tensors.
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Instances For
The equivalence between the indexing set of basis of Lorentz tensors induced by an equivalence on indices.
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Instances For
The equivalence between the coordinate parameters
(Π j, Fin (S.repDim (Sum.elim c c1 j)))
(Π j, Fin (S.repDim (c j))) × (Π j, Fin (S.repDim (c1 j)))
formed by
splitting up based on j
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Instances For
The equivalence between the coordinate parameters
(Π j, Fin (S.repDim (Sum.elim c c1 (finSumFinEquiv.symm j))))
(Π j, Fin (S.repDim (c j))) × (Π j, Fin (S.repDim (c1 j)))
formed by
splitting up based on j
- TensorSpecies.TensorBasis.prodEquiv = (Equiv.piCongrLeft (fun (b : Fin n ⊕ Fin m) => Fin (S.repDim (Sum.elim c c1 b))) finSumFinEquiv.symm).trans TensorSpecies.TensorBasis.elimEquiv
Instances For
Given a coordinate parameter
b : Π k, Fin (S.repDim ((c ∘ i.succAbove ∘ j.succAbove) k)))
, the
coordinate parameter Π k, Fin (S.repDim (c k))
which map down to b
- TensorSpecies.TensorBasis.ContrSection b = Finset.filter (fun (b' : (k : Fin n.succ.succ) → Fin (S.repDim (c k))) => ∀ (k : Fin n), b' ((i.succAbove ∘ j.succAbove) k) = b k) Finset.univ