PhysLean Documentation


Complex Lorentz tensors #

The colors associated with complex representations of SL(2, ℂ) of interest to physics.

  • upL : Color

    The color associated with Left handed fermions.

  • downL : Color

    The color associated with alt-Left handed fermions.

  • upR : Color

    The color associated with Right handed fermions.

  • downR : Color

    The color associated with alt-Right handed fermions.

  • up : Color

    The color associated with contravariant Lorentz vectors.

  • down : Color

    The color associated with covariant Lorentz vectors.

Instances For

    Color for complex Lorentz tensors is decidable.


    The tensor structure for complex Lorentz tensors.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      Contracting two basis elements gives 1 if the index for the basis elements is the same, and 0 otherwise. Holds for any color of index.

      For any object in the over color category, with source Fin n, has a finite source.


      The equality of two maps in OverColor C from objects based on Fin _ is decidable.
