PhysLean Documentation


Basis for tensors in a tensor species #

A complex Lorentz tensor from a map (Π j, Fin (complexLorentzTensor.repDim (c j))) → RatComplexNum. All complex Lorentz tensors with rational coefficents with respect to the basis are of this form.

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Instances For
    theorem complexLorentzTensor.tensorBasis_eq_ofRat {n : } {c : Fin ncomplexLorentzTensor.C} (b : (j : Fin n) → Fin (complexLorentzTensor.repDim (c j))) :
    (complexLorentzTensor.tensorBasis c) b = ofRat fun (b' : (j : Fin n) → Fin (complexLorentzTensor.repDim (c j))) => if b = b' then { fst := 1, snd := 0 } else { fst := 0, snd := 0 }
    theorem complexLorentzTensor.contr_ofRat {n : } {c : Fin (n + 1 + 1)complexLorentzTensor.C} {i : Fin (n + 1 + 1)} {j : Fin (n + 1)} {h : c (i.succAbove j) = complexLorentzTensor.τ (c i)} (f : ((k : Fin (n + 1 + 1)) → Fin (complexLorentzTensor.repDim (c k)))PhysLean.RatComplexNum) :
    (TensorTree.contr i j h (TensorTree.tensorNode (ofRat f))).tensor = (TensorTree.tensorNode (ofRat fun (b : (j_1 : Fin n) → Fin (complexLorentzTensor.repDim ((c i.succAbove j.succAbove) j_1))) => x : { x : (k : Fin n.succ.succ) → Fin (complexLorentzTensor.repDim (c k)) // x TensorSpecies.TensorBasis.ContrSection b }, f x * if (x i) = (x (i.succAbove j)) then 1 else 0)).tensor
    theorem complexLorentzTensor.smul_nat_ofRat {n : } {c : Fin ncomplexLorentzTensor.C} (n✝ : ) (f1 : ((j : Fin n) → Fin (complexLorentzTensor.repDim (c j)))PhysLean.RatComplexNum) :
    (TensorTree.smul (↑n✝) (TensorTree.tensorNode (ofRat f1))).tensor = (TensorTree.tensorNode (ofRat fun (b : (j : Fin n) → Fin (complexLorentzTensor.repDim (c j))) => n✝ * f1 b)).tensor