Tensor trees #
- Tensor trees provide an abstract way to represent tensor expressions.
- Their nodes are either tensors or operations between tensors.
- Every tensor tree has associated with an underlying tensor.
- This is not a one-to-one correspondence. Lots tensor trees represent the same tensor. In the same way that lots of tensor expressions represent the same tensor.
- Define a sub-tensor tree as a node of a tensor tree and all child nodes thereof. One
can replace sub-tensor tree with another tensor tree which has the same underlying tensor
without changing the underlying tensor of the parent tensor tree. These appear as the e.g.
the lemmas
in what follows.
A syntax tree for tensor expressions.
- tensorNode
{S : TensorSpecies}
{n : ℕ}
{c : Fin n → S.C}
(T : ↑(S.F.obj (IndexNotation.OverColor.mk c)).V)
: TensorTree S c
A general tensor node.
- smul
{S : TensorSpecies}
{n : ℕ}
{c : Fin n → S.C}
: S.k → TensorTree S c → TensorTree S c
A node corresponding to the scalar multiple of a tensor by a element of the field.
- neg
{S : TensorSpecies}
{n : ℕ}
{c : Fin n → S.C}
: TensorTree S c → TensorTree S c
A node corresponding to negation of a tensor.
- add
{S : TensorSpecies}
{n : ℕ}
{c : Fin n → S.C}
: TensorTree S c → TensorTree S c → TensorTree S c
A node corresponding to the addition of two tensors.
- action
{S : TensorSpecies}
{n : ℕ}
{c : Fin n → S.C}
: S.G → TensorTree S c → TensorTree S c
A node corresponding to the action of a group element on a tensor.
- perm
{S : TensorSpecies}
{n m : ℕ}
{c : Fin n → S.C}
{c1 : Fin m → S.C}
(σ : IndexNotation.OverColor.mk c ⟶ IndexNotation.OverColor.mk c1)
(t : TensorTree S c)
: TensorTree S c1
A node corresponding to the permutation of indices of a tensor.
- prod
{S : TensorSpecies}
{n m : ℕ}
{c : Fin n → S.C}
{c1 : Fin m → S.C}
(t : TensorTree S c)
(t1 : TensorTree S c1)
: TensorTree S (Sum.elim c c1 ∘ ⇑finSumFinEquiv.symm)
A node corresponding to the product of two tensors.
- contr
{S : TensorSpecies}
{n : ℕ}
{c : Fin n.succ.succ → S.C}
(i : Fin n.succ.succ)
(j : Fin n.succ)
(h : c (i.succAbove j) = S.τ (c i))
: TensorTree S c → TensorTree S (c ∘ i.succAbove ∘ j.succAbove)
A node corresponding to the contraction of indices of a tensor.
- eval
{S : TensorSpecies}
{n : ℕ}
{c : Fin n.succ → S.C}
(i : Fin n.succ)
(x : ℕ)
: TensorTree S c → TensorTree S (c ∘ i.succAbove)
A node corresponding to the evaluation of an index of a tensor.
Instances For
Composite nodes #
A node consisting of a single vector.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The node vecNode
of a tensor tree, with all arguments explicit.
- TensorTree.vecNodeE S c1 v = TensorTree.vecNode v
Instances For
A node consisting of a two tensor.
Instances For
The node twoNode
of a tensor tree, with all arguments explicit.
- TensorTree.twoNodeE S c1 c2 v = TensorTree.twoNode v
Instances For
A node consisting of a three tensor.
Instances For
The node threeNode
of a tensor tree, with all arguments explicit.
- TensorTree.threeNodeE S c1 c2 c3 v = TensorTree.threeNode v
Instances For
A general constant node.
Instances For
A constant vector.
Instances For
A constant two tensor (e.g. metric and unit).
Instances For
The node constTwoNode
of a tensor tree, with all arguments explicit.
- TensorTree.constTwoNodeE S c1 c2 v = TensorTree.constTwoNode v
Instances For
A constant three tensor (e.g. Pauli matrices).
Instances For
The node constThreeNode
of a tensor tree, with all arguments explicit.
- TensorTree.constThreeNodeE S c1 c2 c3 v = TensorTree.constThreeNode v
Instances For
Other operations. #
The number of nodes in a tensor tree.
- (TensorTree.tensorNode T).size = 1
- (t1.add t2).size = t1.size + t2.size + 1
- (TensorTree.perm σ t).size = t.size + 1
- t.neg.size = t.size + 1
- (TensorTree.smul a t).size = t.size + 1
- (t1.prod t2).size = t1.size + t2.size + 1
- (TensorTree.contr i j h t).size = t.size + 1
- (TensorTree.eval i x_1 t).size = t.size + 1
- (TensorTree.action a t).size = t.size + 1
Instances For
The underlying tensor a tensor tree corresponds to.
Instances For
Takes a tensor tree based on Fin 0
, into the field S.k
- t.field = S.castFin0ToField t.tensor
Instances For
Tensor on different nodes. #
Equality of tensors and rewrites. #
Properties on basis. #
The zero tensor tree #
The zero tensor tree.
Instances For
A structure containing a pair of indices (i, j) to be contracted in a tensor. This is used in some proofs of node identities for tensor trees.
A proof that the two indices can be contracted.
Instances For
The contraction map for a pair of indices.