PhysLean Documentation


Basis vectors associated with complex Lorentz tensors #

The material in this file should slowly be replaced with tensorBasis.

The perm node acting on basis vectors corresponds to a basis vector.

The perm node acting on basis vectors corresponds to a basis vector, as a tensor tree structure.

The scalar determining if contracting two basis vectors together gives zero or not.

Instances For
    theorem complexLorentzTensor.contrBasisVectorMul_neg {n : } {c : Fin n.succ.succcomplexLorentzTensor.C} {i : Fin n.succ.succ} {j : Fin n.succ} {b : (k : Fin n.succ.succ) → Fin (complexLorentzTensor.repDim (c k))} (h : ¬(b i) = (b (i.succAbove j))) :
    theorem complexLorentzTensor.contrBasisVectorMul_pos {n : } {c : Fin n.succ.succcomplexLorentzTensor.C} {i : Fin n.succ.succ} {j : Fin n.succ} {b : (k : Fin n.succ.succ) → Fin (complexLorentzTensor.repDim (c k))} (h : (b i) = (b (i.succAbove j))) :
    theorem complexLorentzTensor.contr_basisVector_tree_pos {n : } {c : Fin n.succ.succcomplexLorentzTensor.C} {i : Fin n.succ.succ} {j : Fin n.succ} {h : c (i.succAbove j) = complexLorentzTensor.τ (c i)} (b : (k : Fin n.succ.succ) → Fin (complexLorentzTensor.repDim (c k))) (hn : (b i) = (b (i.succAbove j)) := by decide) :

    Equivalence of Fin types appearing in the product of two basis vectors.

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    Instances For

      The prod node acting on basis vectors corresponds to a basis vector.

      The prod node acting on a basis vectors is a basis vector, as a tensor tree structure.

      theorem complexLorentzTensor.eval_basisVector {n : } {c : Fin n.succcomplexLorentzTensor.C} {i : Fin n.succ} (j : Fin (complexLorentzTensor.repDim (c i))) (b : (k : Fin n.succ) → Fin (complexLorentzTensor.repDim (c k))) :
      (TensorTree.eval i (↑j) (TensorTree.tensorNode (basisVector c b))).tensor = (if j = b i then 1 else 0) basisVector (c i.succAbove) fun (k : Fin n) => b (i.succAbove k)

      The eval node acting on basis vectors corresponds to a basis vector.