PhysLean Documentation


Rational complex numbers #

Rational complex numbers. This type is mainly used when decidability is needed.

Instances For
    theorem PhysLean.RatComplexNum.ext {x y : RatComplexNum} (h1 : x.fst = y.fst) (h2 : x.snd = y.snd) :
    x = y

    The equivalence as a type of RatComplexNum with ℚ × ℚ.

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    Instances For
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      theorem PhysLean.RatComplexNum.mul_fst (x y : RatComplexNum) :
      (x * y).fst = x.fst * y.fst - x.snd * y.snd
      theorem PhysLean.RatComplexNum.mul_snd (x y : RatComplexNum) :
      (x * y).snd = x.fst * y.snd + x.snd * y.fst

      The inclusion of RatComplexNum into the complex numbers.

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      Instances For