PhysLean Documentation


Basic lemmas regarding metrics #

Symmetry properties #

Contractions with each other #

The contraction of the covariant metric with the contravariant metric is the unit {η' | μ ρ ⊗ η | ρ ν = δ' | μ ν}ᵀ.

The contraction of the contravariant metric with the covariant metric is the unit {η | μ ρ ⊗ η' | ρ ν = δ | μ ν}ᵀ.

The contraction of the left metric with the alt-left metric is the unit {εL | α β ⊗ εL' | β γ = δL | α γ}ᵀ.

The contraction of the right metric with the alt-right metric is the unit {εR | α β ⊗ εR' | β γ = δR | α γ}ᵀ.

The contraction of the alt-left metric with the left metric is the unit {εL' | α β ⊗ εL | β γ = δL' | α γ}ᵀ.

The contraction of the alt-right metric with the right metric is the unit {εR' | α β ⊗ εR | β γ = δR' | α γ}ᵀ.

Other relations #

The map to color one gets when multiplying left and right metrics.

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Instances For
    theorem complexLorentzTensor.leftMetric_prod_rightMetric :
    ((TensorTree.tensorNode leftMetric).prod (TensorTree.tensorNode rightMetric)).tensor = (((basisVector leftMetricMulRightMap fun (x : Fin ((Nat.succ 0).succ + (Nat.succ 0).succ)) => match x with | 0 => 0 | 1 => 1 | 2 => 0 | 3 => 1) - basisVector leftMetricMulRightMap fun (x : Fin ((Nat.succ 0).succ + (Nat.succ 0).succ)) => match x with | 0 => 0 | 1 => 1 | 2 => 1 | 3 => 0) - basisVector leftMetricMulRightMap fun (x : Fin ((Nat.succ 0).succ + (Nat.succ 0).succ)) => match x with | 0 => 1 | 1 => 0 | 2 => 0 | 3 => 1) + basisVector leftMetricMulRightMap fun (x : Fin ((Nat.succ 0).succ + (Nat.succ 0).succ)) => match x with | 0 => 1 | 1 => 0 | 2 => 1 | 3 => 0

    Expansion of the product of εL and εR in terms of a basis.

    theorem complexLorentzTensor.leftMetric_prod_rightMetric_tree :
    ((TensorTree.tensorNode leftMetric).prod (TensorTree.tensorNode rightMetric)).tensor = ((TensorTree.tensorNode (basisVector leftMetricMulRightMap fun (x : Fin ((Nat.succ 0).succ + (Nat.succ 0).succ)) => match x with | 0 => 0 | 1 => 1 | 2 => 0 | 3 => 1)).add ((TensorTree.smul (-1) (TensorTree.tensorNode (basisVector leftMetricMulRightMap fun (x : Fin ((Nat.succ 0).succ + (Nat.succ 0).succ)) => match x with | 0 => 0 | 1 => 1 | 2 => 1 | 3 => 0))).add ((TensorTree.smul (-1) (TensorTree.tensorNode (basisVector leftMetricMulRightMap fun (x : Fin ((Nat.succ 0).succ + (Nat.succ 0).succ)) => match x with | 0 => 1 | 1 => 0 | 2 => 0 | 3 => 1))).add (TensorTree.tensorNode (basisVector leftMetricMulRightMap fun (x : Fin ((Nat.succ 0).succ + (Nat.succ 0).succ)) => match x with | 0 => 1 | 1 => 0 | 2 => 1 | 3 => 0))))).tensor

    Expansion of the product of εL and εR in terms of a basis, as a tensor tree.