PhysLean Documentation


Pi Tensor Products #

The purpose of this file is to define some results about Pi tensor products not currently in Mathlib.

At some point these should either be up-streamed to Mathlib or replaced with definitions already in Mathlib.

induction principals for pi tensor products #

theorem PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.induction_tmul {R ι1 ι2 M : Type} [CommSemiring R] {s1 : ι1Type} [inst1 : (i : ι1) → AddCommMonoid (s1 i)] [inst1' : (i : ι1) → Module R (s1 i)] {s2 : ι2Type} [inst2 : (i : ι2) → AddCommMonoid (s2 i)] [inst2' : (i : ι2) → Module R (s2 i)] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] {f g : TensorProduct R (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι1) => s1 i) (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι2) => s2 i) →ₗ[R] M} (h : ∀ (p : (i : ι1) → s1 i) (q : (i : ι2) → s2 i), f ((PiTensorProduct.tprod R) p ⊗ₜ[R] (PiTensorProduct.tprod R) q) = g ((PiTensorProduct.tprod R) p ⊗ₜ[R] (PiTensorProduct.tprod R) q)) :
f = g
theorem PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.induction_assoc {R ι1 ι2 ι3 M : Type} [CommSemiring R] {s1 : ι1Type} [inst1 : (i : ι1) → AddCommMonoid (s1 i)] [inst1' : (i : ι1) → Module R (s1 i)] {s2 : ι2Type} [inst2 : (i : ι2) → AddCommMonoid (s2 i)] [inst2' : (i : ι2) → Module R (s2 i)] {s3 : ι3Type} [inst3 : (i : ι3) → AddCommMonoid (s3 i)] [inst3' : (i : ι3) → Module R (s3 i)] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] {f g : TensorProduct R (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι1) => s1 i) (TensorProduct R (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι2) => s2 i) (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι3) => s3 i)) →ₗ[R] M} (h : ∀ (p : (i : ι1) → s1 i) (q : (i : ι2) → s2 i) (m : (i : ι3) → s3 i), f ((PiTensorProduct.tprod R) p ⊗ₜ[R] (PiTensorProduct.tprod R) q ⊗ₜ[R] (PiTensorProduct.tprod R) m) = g ((PiTensorProduct.tprod R) p ⊗ₜ[R] (PiTensorProduct.tprod R) q ⊗ₜ[R] (PiTensorProduct.tprod R) m)) :
f = g
theorem PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.induction_assoc' {R ι1 ι2 ι3 M : Type} [CommSemiring R] {s1 : ι1Type} [inst1 : (i : ι1) → AddCommMonoid (s1 i)] [inst1' : (i : ι1) → Module R (s1 i)] {s2 : ι2Type} [inst2 : (i : ι2) → AddCommMonoid (s2 i)] [inst2' : (i : ι2) → Module R (s2 i)] {s3 : ι3Type} [inst3 : (i : ι3) → AddCommMonoid (s3 i)] [inst3' : (i : ι3) → Module R (s3 i)] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] {f g : TensorProduct R (TensorProduct R (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι1) => s1 i) (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι2) => s2 i)) (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι3) => s3 i) →ₗ[R] M} (h : ∀ (p : (i : ι1) → s1 i) (q : (i : ι2) → s2 i) (m : (i : ι3) → s3 i), f (((PiTensorProduct.tprod R) p ⊗ₜ[R] (PiTensorProduct.tprod R) q) ⊗ₜ[R] (PiTensorProduct.tprod R) m) = g (((PiTensorProduct.tprod R) p ⊗ₜ[R] (PiTensorProduct.tprod R) q) ⊗ₜ[R] (PiTensorProduct.tprod R) m)) :
f = g
theorem PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.induction_tmul_mod {R ι1 M N : Type} [CommSemiring R] {s1 : ι1Type} [inst1 : (i : ι1) → AddCommMonoid (s1 i)] [inst1' : (i : ι1) → Module R (s1 i)] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] [AddCommMonoid N] [Module R N] {f g : TensorProduct R (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι1) => s1 i) N →ₗ[R] M} (h : ∀ (p : (i : ι1) → s1 i) (m : N), f ((PiTensorProduct.tprod R) p ⊗ₜ[R] m) = g ((PiTensorProduct.tprod R) p ⊗ₜ[R] m)) :
f = g
theorem PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.induction_mod_tmul {R ι1 M N : Type} [CommSemiring R] {s1 : ι1Type} [inst1 : (i : ι1) → AddCommMonoid (s1 i)] [inst1' : (i : ι1) → Module R (s1 i)] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] [AddCommMonoid N] [Module R N] {f g : TensorProduct R N (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι1) => s1 i) →ₗ[R] M} (h : ∀ (m : N) (p : (i : ι1) → s1 i), f (m ⊗ₜ[R] (PiTensorProduct.tprod R) p) = g (m ⊗ₜ[R] (PiTensorProduct.tprod R) p)) :
f = g

Dependent type version of PiTensorProduct.tmulEquiv #

instance PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.instAddCommMonoidElim_physLean {ι1 ι2 : Type} {s1 : ι1Type} [inst1 : (i : ι1) → AddCommMonoid (s1 i)] {s2 : ι2Type} [inst2 : (i : ι2) → AddCommMonoid (s2 i)] (i : ι1 ι2) :
AddCommMonoid ((fun (i : ι1 ι2) => Sum.elim s1 s2 i) i)

Given two maps s1 and s2 whose targets carry an instance of an additive commutative monoid, the target of the sum of these two maps also carry an instance thereof.

instance PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.instModuleElim_physLean {R ι1 ι2 : Type} [CommSemiring R] {s1 : ι1Type} [inst1 : (i : ι1) → AddCommMonoid (s1 i)] [inst1' : (i : ι1) → Module R (s1 i)] {s2 : ι2Type} [inst2 : (i : ι2) → AddCommMonoid (s2 i)] [inst2' : (i : ι2) → Module R (s2 i)] (i : ι1 ι2) :
Module R ((fun (i : ι1 ι2) => Sum.elim s1 s2 i) i)

Given two maps s1 and s2 whose targets carry an instance of a module over R, the target of the sum of these two maps also carry an instance thereof.

def PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.pureInl {ι1 ι2 : Type} {s1 : ι1Type} {s2 : ι2Type} (f : (i : ι1 ι2) → Sum.elim s1 s2 i) (i : ι1) :
s1 i

Takes a map (i : ι1 ⊕ ι2) → Sum.elim s1 s2 i to the underlying map (i : ι1) → s1 i .

Instances For
    def PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.pureInr {ι1 ι2 : Type} {s1 : ι1Type} {s2 : ι2Type} (f : (i : ι1 ι2) → Sum.elim s1 s2 i) (i : ι2) :
    s2 i

    Takes a map (i : ι1 ⊕ ι2) → Sum.elim s1 s2 i to the underlying map (i : ι2) → s2 i .

    Instances For
      theorem PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.pureInl_update_left {ι1 ι2 : Type} {s1 : ι1Type} {s2 : ι2Type} [DecidableEq (ι1 ι2)] [DecidableEq ι1] (f : (i : ι1 ι2) → Sum.elim s1 s2 i) (x : ι1) (v1 : s1 x) :
      theorem PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.pureInr_update_left {ι1 ι2 : Type} {s1 : ι1Type} {s2 : ι2Type} [DecidableEq (ι1 ι2)] (f : (i : ι1 ι2) → Sum.elim s1 s2 i) (x : ι1) (v2 : s1 x) :
      theorem PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.pureInr_update_right {ι1 ι2 : Type} {s1 : ι1Type} {s2 : ι2Type} [DecidableEq (ι1 ι2)] [DecidableEq ι2] (f : (i : ι1 ι2) → Sum.elim s1 s2 i) (x : ι2) (v2 : s2 x) :
      theorem PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.pureInl_update_right {ι1 ι2 : Type} {s1 : ι1Type} {s2 : ι2Type} [DecidableEq (ι1 ι2)] (f : (i : ι1 ι2) → Sum.elim s1 s2 i) (x : ι2) (v1 : s2 x) :
      def PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.domCoprod {R ι1 ι2 : Type} [CommSemiring R] {s1 : ι1Type} [inst1 : (i : ι1) → AddCommMonoid (s1 i)] [inst1' : (i : ι1) → Module R (s1 i)] {s2 : ι2Type} [inst2 : (i : ι2) → AddCommMonoid (s2 i)] [inst2' : (i : ι2) → Module R (s2 i)] :
      MultilinearMap R (Sum.elim s1 s2) (TensorProduct R (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι1) => s1 i) (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι2) => s2 i))

      The multilinear map from (Sum.elim s1 s2) to ((⨂[R] i : ι1, s1 i) ⊗[R] ⨂[R] i : ι2, s2 i) defined by splitting elements of (Sum.elim s1 s2) into two parts.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        def PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.tmulSymm {R ι1 ι2 : Type} [CommSemiring R] {s1 : ι1Type} [inst1 : (i : ι1) → AddCommMonoid (s1 i)] [inst1' : (i : ι1) → Module R (s1 i)] {s2 : ι2Type} [inst2 : (i : ι2) → AddCommMonoid (s2 i)] [inst2' : (i : ι2) → Module R (s2 i)] :
        (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι1 ι2) => Sum.elim s1 s2 i) →ₗ[R] TensorProduct R (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι1) => s1 i) (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι2) => s2 i)

        Expand PiTensorProduct on sums into a TensorProduct of two factors.

        Instances For
          def PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.elimPureTensor {ι1 ι2 : Type} {s1 : ι1Type} {s2 : ι2Type} (p : (i : ι1) → s1 i) (q : (i : ι2) → s2 i) (i : ι1 ι2) :
          Sum.elim s1 s2 i

          Produces a map (i : ι1 ⊕ ι2) → Sum.elim s1 s2 i from a map (i : ι1) → s1 i and a map q : (i : ι2) → s2 i.

          Instances For
            theorem PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.elimPureTensor_update_right {ι1 ι2 : Type} {s1 : ι1Type} {s2 : ι2Type} [DecidableEq ι1] [DecidableEq ι2] (p : (i : ι1) → s1 i) (q : (i : ι2) → s2 i) (y : ι2) (r : s2 y) :
            theorem PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.elimPureTensor_update_left {ι1 ι2 : Type} {s1 : ι1Type} {s2 : ι2Type} [DecidableEq ι1] [DecidableEq ι2] (p : (i : ι1) → s1 i) (q : (i : ι2) → s2 i) (x : ι1) (r : s1 x) :
            def PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.elimPureTensorMulLin {R ι1 ι2 : Type} [CommSemiring R] {s1 : ι1Type} [inst1 : (i : ι1) → AddCommMonoid (s1 i)] [inst1' : (i : ι1) → Module R (s1 i)] {s2 : ι2Type} [inst2 : (i : ι2) → AddCommMonoid (s2 i)] [inst2' : (i : ι2) → Module R (s2 i)] :
            MultilinearMap R s1 (MultilinearMap R s2 (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι1 ι2) => Sum.elim s1 s2 i))

            The multilinear map valued in multilinear maps defined by combining (i : ι1) → s1 i and q : (i : ι2) → s2 i into a PiTensorProduct.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              def PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.tmul {R ι1 ι2 : Type} [CommSemiring R] {s1 : ι1Type} [inst1 : (i : ι1) → AddCommMonoid (s1 i)] [inst1' : (i : ι1) → Module R (s1 i)] {s2 : ι2Type} [inst2 : (i : ι2) → AddCommMonoid (s2 i)] [inst2' : (i : ι2) → Module R (s2 i)] :
              TensorProduct R (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι1) => s1 i) (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι2) => s2 i) →ₗ[R] PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι1 ι2) => Sum.elim s1 s2 i

              Collapse a TensorProduct of PiTensorProduct into a PiTensorProduct.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                def PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.tmulEquiv {R ι1 ι2 : Type} [CommSemiring R] {s1 : ι1Type} [inst1 : (i : ι1) → AddCommMonoid (s1 i)] [inst1' : (i : ι1) → Module R (s1 i)] {s2 : ι2Type} [inst2 : (i : ι2) → AddCommMonoid (s2 i)] [inst2' : (i : ι2) → Module R (s2 i)] :
                TensorProduct R (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι1) => s1 i) (PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι2) => s2 i) ≃ₗ[R] PiTensorProduct R fun (i : ι1 ι2) => Sum.elim s1 s2 i

                THe equivalence formed by combining a TensorProduct into a PiTensorProduct.

                Instances For
                  theorem PhysLean.PiTensorProduct.tmulEquiv_tmul_tprod {R ι1 ι2 : Type} [CommSemiring R] {s1 : ι1Type} [inst1 : (i : ι1) → AddCommMonoid (s1 i)] [inst1' : (i : ι1) → Module R (s1 i)] {s2 : ι2Type} [inst2 : (i : ι2) → AddCommMonoid (s2 i)] [inst2' : (i : ι2) → Module R (s2 i)] (p : (i : ι1) → s1 i) (q : (i : ι2) → s2 i) :