Time ordering of states #
Time ordering for states #
The time ordering relation on states. We have that timeOrderRel φ0 φ1
is true
if and only if φ1
has a time less-then or equal to φ0
, or φ1
is a negative
asymptotic state, or φ0
is a positive asymptotic state.
- FieldSpecification.timeOrderRel (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.outAsymp a) x✝ = True
- FieldSpecification.timeOrderRel (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.position φ0) (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.position φ1) = (φ1.2 0 ≤ φ0.2 0)
- FieldSpecification.timeOrderRel (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.position a) (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.inAsymp a_1) = True
- FieldSpecification.timeOrderRel (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.position a) (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.outAsymp a_1) = False
- FieldSpecification.timeOrderRel (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.inAsymp a) (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.outAsymp a_1) = False
- FieldSpecification.timeOrderRel (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.inAsymp a) (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.position a_1) = False
- FieldSpecification.timeOrderRel (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.inAsymp a) (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.inAsymp a_1) = True
Instances For
The relation timeOrderRel
is decidable, but not computable so due to
- FieldSpecification.instDecidableTimeOrderRel (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.outAsymp a) x✝ = isTrue True.intro
- FieldSpecification.instDecidableTimeOrderRel (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.position φ0) (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.position φ1) = inferInstanceAs (Decidable (φ1.2 0 ≤ φ0.2 0))
- FieldSpecification.instDecidableTimeOrderRel (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.position a) (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.inAsymp a_1) = isTrue True.intro
- FieldSpecification.instDecidableTimeOrderRel (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.position a) (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.outAsymp a_1) = isFalse ⋯
- FieldSpecification.instDecidableTimeOrderRel (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.inAsymp a) (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.outAsymp a_1) = isFalse ⋯
- FieldSpecification.instDecidableTimeOrderRel (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.inAsymp a) (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.position a_1) = isFalse ⋯
- FieldSpecification.instDecidableTimeOrderRel (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.inAsymp a) (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.inAsymp a_1) = isTrue True.intro
Time ordering is total.
Time ordering is transitive.
Given a list φ :: φs
of states, the (zero-based) position of the state which is
of maximum time. For example
- for the list
[φ1(t = 4), φ2(t = 5), φ3(t = 3), φ4(t = 5)]
this would return1
. This is defined for a listφ :: φs
instead ofφs
to ensure that such a position exists.
Instances For
Given a list φ :: φs
of states, the left-most state of maximum time, if there are more.
As an example:
- for the list
[φ1(t = 4), φ2(t = 5), φ3(t = 3), φ4(t = 5)]
this would returnφ2(t = 5)
. It is the state at the positionmaxTimeFieldPos φ φs
Instances For
Given a list φ :: φs
of states, the list with the left-most state of maximum
time removed.
As an example:
- for the list
[φ1(t = 4), φ2(t = 5), φ3(t = 3), φ4(t = 5)]
this would return[φ1(t = 4), φ3(t = 3), φ4(t = 5)]
Instances For
Given a list φ :: φs
of states, the position of the left-most state of maximum
time as an element of Fin (eraseMaxTimeField φ φs).length.succ
As an example:
- for the list
[φ1(t = 4), φ2(t = 5), φ3(t = 3), φ4(t = 5)]
this would return⟨1,...⟩
Instances For
The sign associated with putting a list of states into time order (with the state of greatest time to the left). We pick up a minus sign for every fermion paired crossed.
Instances For
The time ordering of a list of states. A schematic example is:
normalOrderList [φ1(t = 4), φ2(t = 5), φ3(t = 3), φ4(t = 5)]
is equal to[φ2(t = 5), φ4(t = 5), φ1(t = 4), φ3(t = 3)]
Instances For
Time ordering for CrAnFieldOp #
timeOrderRel #
For a field specification 𝓕
, 𝓕.crAnTimeOrderRel
is a relation on
representing time ordering.
It is defined such that 𝓕.crAnTimeOrderRel φ₀ φ₁
is true if and only if one of the following
is an outgoing asymptotic operatorφ₁
is an incoming asymptotic field operatorφ₀
are both position field operators where theSpaceTime
point ofφ₀
has a time greater than or equal to that ofφ₁
Thus, colloquially 𝓕.crAnTimeOrderRel φ₀ φ₁
if φ₀
has time greater than or equal to φ₁
The use of greater than rather then less than is because on ordering lists of operators
it is needed that the operator with the greatest time is to the left.
Instances For
The relation crAnTimeOrderRel
is decidable, but not computable so due to
Time ordering of CrAnFieldOp
is total.
Time ordering of CrAnFieldOp
is transitive.
For a field specification 𝓕
, and a list φs
of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp
𝓕.crAnTimeOrderSign φs
is the sign corresponding to the number of ferimionic
exchanges undertaken to time-order (i.e. order with respect to 𝓕.crAnTimeOrderRel
) φs
the insertion sort algorithm.
Instances For
For a field specification 𝓕
, and a list φs
of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp
𝓕.crAnTimeOrderList φs
is the list φs
time-ordered using the insertion sort algorithm.
Instances For
Relationship to sections #
Time ordering of sections of a list of states.
Instances For
normTimeOrderRel #
The time ordering relation on CrAnFieldOp
such that if two CrAnFieldOp have the same
time, we normal order them.
Instances For
The relation normTimeOrderRel
is decidable, but not computable so due to
Norm-Time ordering of CrAnFieldOp
is total.
Norm-Time ordering of CrAnFieldOp
is transitive.
The sign associated with putting a list of CrAnFieldOp
into normal-time order (with
the state of greatest time to the left).
We pick up a minus sign for every fermion paired crossed.
Instances For
Sort a list of CrAnFieldOp
based on normTimeOrderRel