List lemmas #
The position r0
ends up in r
on adding it via List.orderedInsert _ r0 r
- PhysLean.List.orderedInsertPos le1 r r0 = ⟨(List.takeWhile (fun (b : I) => decide ¬le1 r0 b) r).length, ⋯⟩
Instances For
The equivalence between Fin (r0 :: r).length
and Fin (List.orderedInsert le1 r0 r).length
according to where the elements map, i.e. 0
is taken to orderedInsertPos le1 r r0
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
This result is taken from: with simple modification here to make it run. The file it was taken from is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. and written by Parikshit Khanna, Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura, Floris van Doorn, Mario Carneiro.
Once PhysLean is updated to a more recent version of Lean this result will be removed.
The equivalence between Fin l.length ≃ Fin (List.insertionSort r l).length
induced by the
sorting algorithm.
Instances For
Optional erase of an element in a list. For none
returns the list, for some i
the list with the i
'th element erased.
- PhysLean.List.optionErase l none = l
- PhysLean.List.optionErase l (some i_2) = l.eraseIdx ↑i_2
Instances For
Given a list i :: l
the left-most minimal position a
of i :: l
wrt r
That is the first position
of l
such that for every element (i :: l)[b]
before that position
r ((i :: l)[b]) ((i :: l)[a])
is not true. The use of i :: l
rather then just l
is to ensure that such a position exists. .
- PhysLean.List.insertionSortMinPos r i l = (PhysLean.List.insertionSortEquiv r (i :: l)).symm ⟨0, ⋯⟩
Instances For
The element of i :: l
at insertionSortMinPos
- PhysLean.List.insertionSortMin r i l = (i :: l).get (PhysLean.List.insertionSortMinPos r i l)
Instances For
The list remaining after dropping the element at the position determined by
- PhysLean.List.insertionSortDropMinPos r i l = (i :: l).eraseIdx ↑(PhysLean.List.insertionSortMinPos r i l)
Instances For
Optional erase of an element in a list, with addition for none
. For none
adds a
to the
front of the list, for some i
removes the i
th element of the list (does not add a
E.g. optionEraseZ [0, 1, 2] 4 none = [4, 0, 1, 2]
optionEraseZ [0, 1, 2] 4 (some 1) = [0, 2]
- PhysLean.List.optionEraseZ l a none = a :: l
- PhysLean.List.optionEraseZ l a (some i_2) = l.eraseIdx ↑i_2