PhysLean Documentation


Field statistics #

Basic properties related to whether a field, or list of fields, is bosonic or fermionic.

inductive FieldStatistic :

The type FieldStatistic is the type containing two elements bosonic and fermionic. This type is used to specify if a field or operator obeys bosonic or fermionic statistics.

Instances For
    def FieldStatistic.ofList {𝓕 : Type} (s : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φs : List 𝓕) :

    The field statistics of a list of fields is fermionic if there is an odd number of fermions, otherwise it is bosonic.

    Instances For
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_cons_eq_mul {𝓕 : Type} (s : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φ : 𝓕) (φs : List 𝓕) :
      ofList s (φ :: φs) = s φ * ofList s φs
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_eq_prod {𝓕 : Type} (s : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φs : List 𝓕) :
      ofList s φs = ( s φs).prod
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_singleton {𝓕 : Type} (s : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φ : 𝓕) :
      ofList s [φ] = s φ
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_freeMonoid {𝓕 : Type} (s : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φ : 𝓕) :
      ofList s (FreeMonoid.of φ) = s φ
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_empty {𝓕 : Type} (s : 𝓕FieldStatistic) :
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_append {𝓕 : Type} (s : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φs φs' : List 𝓕) :
      ofList s (φs ++ φs') = if ofList s φs = ofList s φs' then bosonic else fermionic
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_append_eq_mul {𝓕 : Type} (s : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φs φs' : List 𝓕) :
      ofList s (φs ++ φs') = ofList s φs * ofList s φs'
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_perm {𝓕 : Type} (s : 𝓕FieldStatistic) {l l' : List 𝓕} (h : l.Perm l') :
      ofList s l = ofList s l'
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_orderedInsert {𝓕 : Type} (s : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (le1 : 𝓕𝓕Prop) [DecidableRel le1] (φs : List 𝓕) (φ : 𝓕) :
      ofList s (List.orderedInsert le1 φ φs) = ofList s (φ :: φs)
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_insertionSort {𝓕 : Type} (s : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (le1 : 𝓕𝓕Prop) [DecidableRel le1] (φs : List 𝓕) :
      ofList s (List.insertionSort le1 φs) = ofList s φs
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_map_eq_finset_prod {𝓕 : Type} (s : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φs : List 𝓕) (l : List (Fin φs.length)) (hl : l.Nodup) :
      ofList s ( φs.get l) = i : Fin φs.length, if i l then s φs[i] else 1
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_pair {𝓕 : Type} (s : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φ1 φ2 : 𝓕) :
      ofList s [φ1, φ2] = s φ1 * s φ2

      ofList and take #

      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_take_insert {𝓕 : Type} (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (n : ) (φ : 𝓕) (φs : List 𝓕) :
      ofList q (List.take n φs) = ofList q (List.take n (List.insertIdx n φ φs))
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_take_eraseIdx {𝓕 : Type} (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (n : ) (φs : List 𝓕) :
      ofList q (List.take n (φs.eraseIdx n)) = ofList q (List.take n φs)
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_take_zero {𝓕 : Type} (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φs : List 𝓕) :
      ofList q (List.take 0 φs) = 1
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_take_succ_cons {𝓕 : Type} (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (n : ) (φ1 : 𝓕) (φs : List 𝓕) :
      ofList q (List.take (n + 1) (φ1 :: φs)) = q φ1 * ofList q (List.take n φs)
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_take_insertIdx_gt {𝓕 : Type} (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (n m : ) (φ1 : 𝓕) (φs : List 𝓕) (hn : n < m) :
      ofList q (List.take n (List.insertIdx m φ1 φs)) = ofList q (List.take n φs)
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_insert_lt_eq {𝓕 : Type} (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (n m : ) (φ1 : 𝓕) (φs : List 𝓕) (hn : m n) (hm : m φs.length) :
      ofList q (List.take (n + 1) (List.insertIdx m φ1 φs)) = ofList q (List.take (n + 1) (φ1 :: φs))
      theorem FieldStatistic.ofList_take_insertIdx_le {𝓕 : Type} (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (n m : ) (φ1 : 𝓕) (φs : List 𝓕) (hn : m n) (hm : m φs.length) :
      ofList q (List.take (n + 1) (List.insertIdx m φ1 φs)) = q φ1 * ofList q (List.take n φs)

      The instance of an additive monoid on FieldStatistic.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      theorem FieldStatistic.add_eq_mul (a b : FieldStatistic) :
      a + b = a * b