PhysLean Documentation


Creation and annihilation states #

Called CrAnFieldOp for short here.

Given a field specification, in addition to defining states (see: PhysLean.QFT.PerturbationTheory.FieldSpecification.Basic), we can also define creation and annihilation states. These are similar to states but come with an additional specification of whether they correspond to creation or annihilation operators.

In particular we have the following creation and annihilation states for each field:

In this module in addition to defining CrAnFieldOp we also define some maps:

To each field operator the specification of the type of creation and annihilation parts. For asymptotic states there is only one allowed part, whilst for position field operator there is two.

Instances For

    The equivalence between 𝓕.fieldOpToCreateAnnihilateType i and 𝓕.fieldOpToCreateAnnihilateType j from an equality i = j.

    Instances For

      For a field specification 𝓕, the (sigma) type 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp corresponds to the type of creation and annihilation parts of field operators. It formally defined to consist of the following elements:

      • For each incoming asymptotic field operator φ in 𝓕.FieldOp an element written as ⟨φ, ()⟩ in 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, corresponding to the creation part of φ. Here φ has no annihilation part. (Here () is the unique element of Unit.)
      • For each position field operator φ in 𝓕.FieldOp an element of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp written as ⟨φ, .create⟩, corresponding to the creation part of φ.
      • For each position field operator φ in 𝓕.FieldOp an element of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp written as ⟨φ, .annihilate⟩, corresponding to the annihilation part of φ.
      • For each outgoing asymptotic field operator φ in 𝓕.FieldOp an element written as ⟨φ, ()⟩ in 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, corresponding to the annihilation part of φ. Here φ has no creation part. (Here () is the unique element of Unit.)

      As an example, if f corresponds to a Weyl-fermion field, it would contribute the following elements to 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp

      • For each spin s, an element corresponding to an incoming asymptotic operator: a(p, s).

      • For each each Lorentz index a, an element corresponding to the creation part of a position operator:

        ∑ s, ∫ d³p/(…) (xₐ (p,s) a(p, s) e ^ (-i p x)).

      • For each each Lorentz index a,an element corresponding to annihilation part of a position operator:

        ∑ s, ∫ d³p/(…) (yₐ(p,s) a†(p, s) e ^ (-i p x)).

      • For each spin s, element corresponding to an outgoing asymptotic operator: a†(p, s).

      Instances For

        The map from creation and annihilation field operator to their underlying states.

        Instances For

          For a field specification 𝓕, and an element φ in 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, the field statistic crAnStatistics φ is defined to be the statistic associated with the field 𝓕.Field (or the 𝓕.FieldOp) underlying φ.

          The following notation is used in relation to crAnStatistics:

          Instances For

            For a field specification 𝓕, and an element φ in 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, the field statistic crAnStatistics φ is defined to be the statistic associated with the field 𝓕.Field (or the 𝓕.FieldOp) underlying φ.

            The following notation is used in relation to crAnStatistics:

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For

              For a field specification 𝓕, and an element φ in 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, the field statistic crAnStatistics φ is defined to be the statistic associated with the field 𝓕.Field (or the 𝓕.FieldOp) underlying φ.

              The following notation is used in relation to crAnStatistics:

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For

                The CreateAnnihilate value of a CrAnFieldOps, i.e. whether it is a creation or annihilation operator.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For