PhysLean Documentation


Time Ordering on Field operator algebra #

Defining time order for FiedOpAlgebra. #

For a field specification 𝓕, timeOrder is the linear map

FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕

defined as the descent of ι ∘ₗ timeOrderF : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 from FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 to FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕. This descent exists because ι ∘ₗ timeOrderF is well-defined on equivalence classes.

The notation 𝓣(a) is used for timeOrder a.

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Instances For

    For a field specification 𝓕, timeOrder is the linear map

    FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕

    defined as the descent of ι ∘ₗ timeOrderF : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 from FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 to FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕. This descent exists because ι ∘ₗ timeOrderF is well-defined on equivalence classes.

    The notation 𝓣(a) is used for timeOrder a.

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    Instances For

      Properties of time ordering #

      For a field specification 𝓕, the time order operator acting on a list of 𝓕.FieldOp, 𝓣(φ₀…φₙ), is equal to 𝓢(φᵢ,φ₀…φᵢ₋₁) • φᵢ * 𝓣(φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁φₙ) where φᵢ is the maximal time field operator in φ₀…φₙ.

      The proof of this result ultimately relies on basic properties of ordering and signs.

      For a field specification 𝓕, and a, b, c in 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra, then 𝓣(a * b * c) = 𝓣(a * 𝓣(b) * c).