Creation and annihilation free-algebra #
This module defines the creation and annihilation algebra for a field structure.
The creation and annihilation algebra extends from the state algebra by adding information about whether a state is a creation or annihilation operator.
The algebra is spanned by lists of creation/annihilation states.
The main structures defined in this module are:
- The creation and annihilation algebraofCrAnOpF
- Maps a creation/annihilation state to the algebraofCrAnListF
- Maps a list of creation/annihilation states to the algebraofFieldOpF
- Maps a state to a sum of creation and annihilation operatorscrPartF
- The creation part of a state in the algebraanPartF
- The annihilation part of a state in the algebrasuperCommuteF
- The super commutator on the algebra
The key lemmas show how these operators interact, particularly focusing on the super commutation relations between creation and annihilation operators.
For a field specification π
, the algebra π.FieldOpFreeAlgebra
the free algebra generated by π.CrAnFieldOp
- π.FieldOpFreeAlgebra = FreeAlgebra β π.CrAnFieldOp
Instances For
For a field specification π
, and a element Ο
of π.CrAnFieldOp
ofCrAnOpF Ο
is defined as the element of π.FieldOpFreeAlgebra
formed by Ο
Instances For
The algebra π.FieldOpFreeAlgebra
satisfies the universal property that for any other algebra
(e.g. the operator algebra of the theory) with a map f : π.CrAnFieldOp β A
the inclusion of the creation and annihilation parts of field operators into the
operator algebra) there is a unique algebra map g : π.FieldOpFreeAlgebra β A
such that g β ofCrAnOpF = f
The unique g
is given by FreeAlgebra.lift β f
For a field specification π
, and a list Οs
of π.CrAnFieldOp
ofCrAnListF Οs
is defined as the element of π.FieldOpFreeAlgebra
obtained by the product of ofCrAnListF Ο
for each Ο
in Οs
For example ofCrAnListF [Οβ, Οβ, Οβ] = ofCrAnOpF Οβ * ofCrAnOpF Οβ * ofCrAnOpF Οβ
The set of all ofCrAnListF Οs
forms a basis of FieldOpFreeAlgebra π
Instances For
For a field specification π
, and an element Ο
of π.FieldOp
ofFieldOpF Ο
is the element of π.FieldOpFreeAlgebra
formed by summing over
of the
creation and annihilation parts of Ο
For example, for Ο
an incoming asymptotic field operator we get
ofCrAnOpF β¨Ο, ()β©
, and for Ο
position field operator we get ofCrAnOpF β¨Ο, .createβ© + ofCrAnOpF β¨Ο, .annihilateβ©
- FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.ofFieldOpF Ο = β i : π.fieldOpToCrAnType Ο, FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.ofCrAnOpF β¨Ο, iβ©
Instances For
For a field specification π
, and a list Οs
of π.FieldOp
π.ofFieldOpListF Οs
is defined as the element of π.FieldOpFreeAlgebra
obtained by the product of ofFieldOpF Ο
for each Ο
in Οs
For example ofFieldOpListF [Οβ, Οβ, Οβ] = ofFieldOpF Οβ * ofFieldOpF Οβ * ofFieldOpF Οβ
Instances For
Coercion from List π.FieldOp
to FieldOpFreeAlgebra π
through ofFieldOpListF
Creation and annihilation parts of a state #
The algebra map taking an element of the free-state algebra to the part of it in the creation and annihilation free algebra spanned by creation operators.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.crPartF (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.inAsymp Ο_2) = FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.ofCrAnOpF β¨FieldSpecification.FieldOp.inAsymp Ο_2, ()β©
- FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.crPartF (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.outAsymp a) = 0
Instances For
The algebra map taking an element of the free-state algebra to the part of it in the creation and annihilation free algebra spanned by annihilation operators.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.anPartF (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.inAsymp Ο_2) = 0
- FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.anPartF (FieldSpecification.FieldOp.outAsymp a) = FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.ofCrAnOpF β¨FieldSpecification.FieldOp.outAsymp a, ()β©
Instances For
The basis of the creation and annihilation free-algebra. #
The basis of the free creation and annihilation algebra formed by lists of CrAnFieldOp.
Instances For
Some useful multi-linear maps. #
The bi-linear map associated with multiplication in FieldOpFreeAlgebra
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The linear map associated with scalar-multiplication in FieldOpFreeAlgebra
- FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.smulLinearMap c = { toFun := fun (a : π.FieldOpFreeAlgebra) => c β’ a, map_add' := β―, map_smul' := β― }