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Field statistics of a finite set. #

def FieldStatistic.ofFinset {𝓕 : Type} {n : } (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (f : Fin n𝓕) (a : Finset (Fin n)) :

The field statistic associated with a map f : Fin n → 𝓕 (usually .get of a list) and a finite set of elements of Fin n.

Instances For
    theorem FieldStatistic.ofFinset_empty {𝓕 : Type} {n : } (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (f : Fin n𝓕) :
    ofFinset q f = 1
    theorem FieldStatistic.ofFinset_singleton {𝓕 : Type} {n : } (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (f : Fin n𝓕) (i : Fin n) :
    ofFinset q f {i} = q (f i)
    theorem FieldStatistic.ofFinset_finset_map {𝓕 : Type} {n m : } (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (i : Fin mFin n) (hi : Function.Injective i) (f : Fin n𝓕) (a : Finset (Fin m)) :
    ofFinset q (f i) a = ofFinset q f ( { toFun := i, inj' := hi } a)
    theorem FieldStatistic.ofFinset_insert {𝓕 : Type} (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φs : List 𝓕) (a : Finset (Fin φs.length)) (i : Fin φs.length) (h : ia) :
    ofFinset q φs.get (insert i a) = q φs[i] * ofFinset q φs.get a
    theorem FieldStatistic.ofFinset_erase {𝓕 : Type} (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φs : List 𝓕) (a : Finset (Fin φs.length)) (i : Fin φs.length) (h : i a) :
    ofFinset q φs.get (a.erase i) = q φs[i] * ofFinset q φs.get a
    theorem FieldStatistic.ofFinset_eq_prod {𝓕 : Type} (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φs : List 𝓕) (a : Finset (Fin φs.length)) :
    ofFinset q φs.get a = i : Fin φs.length, if i a then q φs[i] else 1
    theorem FieldStatistic.ofFinset_union {𝓕 : Type} (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φs : List 𝓕) (a b : Finset (Fin φs.length)) :
    ofFinset q φs.get a * ofFinset q φs.get b = ofFinset q φs.get ((a b) \ (a b))
    theorem FieldStatistic.ofFinset_union_disjoint {𝓕 : Type} (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φs : List 𝓕) (a b : Finset (Fin φs.length)) (h : Disjoint a b) :
    ofFinset q φs.get a * ofFinset q φs.get b = ofFinset q φs.get (a b)
    theorem FieldStatistic.ofFinset_filter_mul_neg {𝓕 : Type} (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φs : List 𝓕) (a : Finset (Fin φs.length)) (p : Fin φs.lengthProp) [DecidablePred p] :
    ofFinset q φs.get (Finset.filter p a) * ofFinset q φs.get (Finset.filter (fun (i : Fin φs.length) => ¬p i) a) = ofFinset q φs.get a
    theorem FieldStatistic.ofFinset_filter {𝓕 : Type} (q : 𝓕FieldStatistic) (φs : List 𝓕) (a : Finset (Fin φs.length)) (p : Fin φs.lengthProp) [DecidablePred p] :
    ofFinset q φs.get (Finset.filter p a) = ofFinset q φs.get (Finset.filter (fun (i : Fin φs.length) => ¬p i) a) * ofFinset q φs.get a