PhysLean Documentation


Basic properties of normal ordering #

Properties of normal ordering. #

mul anpart and crpart #

Normal order and super commutes #


For a field specification 𝓕, and a and b in 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra the normal ordering of the super commutator of a and b vanishes, i.e. 𝓝([a,b]ₛ) = 0.

Swapping terms in a normal order. #

Super commutators with a normal ordered term as sums #

For a field specification 𝓕, an element φ of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, a list φs of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, the following relation holds

[φ, 𝓝(φ₀…φₙ)]ₛ = ∑ i, 𝓢(φ, φ₀…φᵢ₋₁) • [φ, φᵢ]ₛ * 𝓝(φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁…φₙ).

The proof of this result ultimately goes as follows

  • The definition of normalOrder is used to rewrite 𝓝(φ₀…φₙ) as a scalar multiple of a ofCrAnList φsn where φsn is the normal ordering of φ₀…φₙ.
  • superCommuteF_ofCrAnListF_ofCrAnListF_eq_sum is used to rewrite the super commutator of φ (considered as a list with one element) with ofCrAnList φsn as a sum of super commutators, one for each element of φsn.
  • The fact that super-commutators are in the center of 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra is used to rearrange terms.
  • Properties of ordered lists, and normalOrderSign_eraseIdx are then used to complete the proof.

The commutator of the annihilation part of a field operator with a normal ordered list of field operators can be decomposed into the sum of the commutators of the annihilation part with each element of the list of field operators, i.e. [anPart φ, 𝓝(φ₀…φₙ)]ₛ= ∑ i, 𝓢(φ, φ₀…φᵢ₋₁) • [anPart φ, φᵢ]ₛ * 𝓝(φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁…φₙ).

Multiplying with normal ordered terms #

Within a proto-operator algebra we have that anPartF φ * 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ) = 𝓝((anPart φ)φ₀φ₁…φₙ) + [anpart φ, 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ)]ₛ.

Within a proto-operator algebra we have that φ * 𝓝ᶠ(φ₀φ₁…φₙ) = 𝓝ᶠ(φφ₀φ₁…φₙ) + [anpart φ, 𝓝ᶠ(φ₀φ₁…φₙ)]ₛF.

In the expansion of ofFieldOpF φ * normalOrderF (ofFieldOpListF φs) the element of 𝓞.A associated with contracting φ with the (optional) nth element of φs.

Instances For

    For a field specification 𝓕, a φ in 𝓕.FieldOp and a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp then φ * 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ) is equal to

    𝓝(φφ₀φ₁…φₙ) + ∑ i, (𝓢(φ,φ₀φ₁…φᵢ₋₁) • [anPart φ, φᵢ]ₛ) * 𝓝(φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁…φₙ).

    The proof ultimately goes as follows:

    • ofFieldOp_eq_crPart_add_anPart is used to split φ into its creation and annihilation parts.

    • The following relation is then used

      crPart φ * 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ) = 𝓝(crPart φ * φ₀φ₁…φₙ).

    • It used that anPart φ * 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ) is equal to

      𝓢(φ, φ₀φ₁…φₙ) 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ) * anPart φ + [anPart φ, 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ)]

    • Then it is used that

      𝓢(φ, φ₀φ₁…φₙ) 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ) * anPart φ = 𝓝(anPart φ * φ₀φ₁…φₙ)

    • The result ofCrAnOp_superCommute_normalOrder_ofCrAnList_sum is used to expand [anPart φ, 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ)] as a sum.

    Cons vs insertIdx for a normal ordered term. #

    Within a proto-operator algebra, N(φφ₀φ₁…φₙ) = s • N(φ₀…φₖ₋₁φφₖ…φₙ), where s is the exchange sign for φ and φ₀…φₖ₋₁.

    The normal ordering of a product of two states #