PhysLean Documentation


ACC system for SM with RHN and no gravitational anomaly. #

We define the ACC system for the Standard Model with right-handed neutrinos and no gravitational anomaly.

The ACC system for the SM plus RHN with no gravitational anomaly.

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Instances For
    theorem SMRHN.SMNoGrav_linearACCs (n : ) (i : Fin 2) :
    (SMNoGrav n).linearACCs i = match i with | 0 => { toFun := fun (S : (SMνCharges n).Charges) => i : Fin n, (3 * S (finProdFinEquiv (0, i)) + S (finProdFinEquiv (3, i))), map_add' := , map_smul' := } | 1 => { toFun := fun (S : (SMνCharges n).Charges) => i : Fin n, (2 * S (finProdFinEquiv (0, i)) + S (finProdFinEquiv (1, i)) + S (finProdFinEquiv (2, i))), map_add' := , map_smul' := }

    An element of charges which satisfies the linear ACCs gives us a element of LinSols.

    Instances For

      An element of LinSols which satisfies the quadratic ACCs gives us a element of QuadSols.

      Instances For

        An element of QuadSols which satisfies the quadratic ACCs gives us a element of LinSols.

        Instances For

          An element of charges which satisfies the linear and quadratic ACCs gives us a element of QuadSols.

          Instances For
            def SMRHN.SMNoGrav.chargeToAF {n : } (S : (SMNoGrav n).Charges) (hSU2 : SMνACCs.accSU2 S = 0) (hSU3 : SMνACCs.accSU3 S = 0) (hc : SMνACCs.accCube S = 0) :

            An element of charges which satisfies the linear, quadratic and cubic ACCs gives us a element of Sols.

            Instances For

              An element of LinSols which satisfies the quadratic and cubic ACCs gives us a element of Sols.

              Instances For

                The permutations acting on the ACC system corresponding to the SM with RHN, and no gravitational anomaly.

                Instances For