PhysLean Documentation


Permutations of SM charges with RHN. #

We define the group of permutations for the SM charges with RHN.

The group of Sₙ permutations for each species.

Instances For

    The instance of a group on PermGroup n through the target space Equiv.Perm (Fin n).


    The image of an element of permGroup n under the representation on charges.

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    Instances For
      theorem SMRHN.chargeMap_apply {n : } (f : PermGroup n) (S : (SMνCharges n).Charges) :

      The representation of (permGroup n) acting on the vector space of charges.

      Instances For
        theorem SMRHN.toSpecies_sum_invariant {n : } (m : ) (f : PermGroup n) (S : (SMνCharges n).Charges) (j : Fin 6) :
        i : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges, ((fun (a : ) => a ^ m) (SMνCharges.toSpecies j) ((repCharges f) S)) i = i : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges, ((fun (a : ) => a ^ m) (SMνCharges.toSpecies j) S) i