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Anomaly cancellation conditions for n family SM. #

The vector space of charges corresponding to the SM fermions with RHN.

Instances For

    The vector spaces of charges of one species of fermions in the SM.

    Instances For

      An equivalence between (SMνCharges n).charges and (Fin 6 → Fin n → ℚ) splitting the charges into species.

      Instances For
        theorem SMνCharges.toSpeciesEquiv_apply {n : } (a✝ : Fin (6 * n)) (a✝¹ : Fin 6) (a✝² : Fin n) :
        toSpeciesEquiv a✝ a✝¹ a✝² = a✝ (finProdFinEquiv (a✝¹, a✝²))
        theorem SMνCharges.toSpeciesEquiv_symm_apply {n : } (a✝ : Fin 6Fin n) (a✝¹ : Fin (6 * n)) :
        toSpeciesEquiv.symm a✝ a✝¹ = a✝ a✝¹.divNat a✝¹.modNat

        Given an i ∈ Fin 6, the projection of charges onto a given species.

        Instances For
          theorem SMνCharges.toSpecies_apply {n : } (i : Fin 6) (S : (SMνCharges n).Charges) (a✝ : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges) :
          (toSpecies i) S a✝ = S (finProdFinEquiv (i, a✝))
          theorem SMνCharges.charges_eq_toSpecies_eq {n : } (S T : (SMνCharges n).Charges) :
          S = T ∀ (i : Fin 6), (toSpecies i) S = (toSpecies i) T
          theorem SMνCharges.toSMSpecies_toSpecies_inv {n : } (i : Fin 6) (f : Fin 6Fin n) :
          theorem SMνCharges.toSpecies_one (S : (SMνCharges 1).Charges) (j : Fin 6) :
          (toSpecies j) S 0, = S j
          @[reducible, inline]

          The Q charges as a map Fin n → ℚ.

          Instances For
            @[reducible, inline]

            The U charges as a map Fin n → ℚ.

            Instances For
              @[reducible, inline]

              The D charges as a map Fin n → ℚ.

              Instances For
                @[reducible, inline]

                The L charges as a map Fin n → ℚ.

                Instances For
                  @[reducible, inline]

                  The E charges as a map Fin n → ℚ.

                  Instances For
                    @[reducible, inline]

                    The N charges as a map Fin n → ℚ.

                    Instances For

                      The gravitational anomaly equation.

                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                      Instances For
                        theorem SMνACCs.accGrav_ext {n : } {S T : (SMνCharges n).Charges} (hj : ∀ (j : Fin 6), i : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges, (SMνCharges.toSpecies j) S i = i : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges, (SMνCharges.toSpecies j) T i) :

                        Extensionality lemma for accGrav.

                        The SU(2) anomaly equation.

                        Instances For
                          theorem SMνACCs.accSU2_ext {n : } {S T : (SMνCharges n).Charges} (hj : ∀ (j : Fin 6), i : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges, (SMνCharges.toSpecies j) S i = i : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges, (SMνCharges.toSpecies j) T i) :

                          Extensionality lemma for accSU2.

                          The SU(3) anomaly equations.

                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                          Instances For
                            theorem SMνACCs.accSU3_ext {n : } {S T : (SMνCharges n).Charges} (hj : ∀ (j : Fin 6), i : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges, (SMνCharges.toSpecies j) S i = i : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges, (SMνCharges.toSpecies j) T i) :

                            Extensionality lemma for accSU3.

                            The anomaly equation.

                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                            Instances For
                              theorem SMνACCs.accYY_ext {n : } {S T : (SMνCharges n).Charges} (hj : ∀ (j : Fin 6), i : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges, (SMνCharges.toSpecies j) S i = i : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges, (SMνCharges.toSpecies j) T i) :

                              Extensionality lemma for accYY.

                              The quadratic bilinear map.

                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                              Instances For

                                The quadratic anomaly cancellation condition.

                                Instances For
                                  theorem SMνACCs.accQuad_ext {n : } {S T : (SMνCharges n).Charges} (h : ∀ (j : Fin 6), i : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges, ((fun (a : ) => a ^ 2) (SMνCharges.toSpecies j) S) i = i : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges, ((fun (a : ) => a ^ 2) (SMνCharges.toSpecies j) T) i) :

                                  Extensionality lemma for accQuad.

                                  The symmetric trilinear form used to define the cubic acc.

                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                  Instances For
                                    theorem SMνACCs.cubeTriLin_toFun_apply_apply {n : } (S S✝ T : (SMνCharges n).Charges) :
                                    ((cubeTriLin S) S✝) T = i : Fin n, (6 * (S (finProdFinEquiv (0, i)) * S✝ (finProdFinEquiv (0, i)) * T (finProdFinEquiv (0, i))) + 3 * (S (finProdFinEquiv (1, i)) * S✝ (finProdFinEquiv (1, i)) * T (finProdFinEquiv (1, i))) + 3 * (S (finProdFinEquiv (2, i)) * S✝ (finProdFinEquiv (2, i)) * T (finProdFinEquiv (2, i))) + 2 * (S (finProdFinEquiv (3, i)) * S✝ (finProdFinEquiv (3, i)) * T (finProdFinEquiv (3, i))) + S (finProdFinEquiv (4, i)) * S✝ (finProdFinEquiv (4, i)) * T (finProdFinEquiv (4, i)) + S (finProdFinEquiv (5, i)) * S✝ (finProdFinEquiv (5, i)) * T (finProdFinEquiv (5, i)))
                                    theorem SMνACCs.accCube_ext {n : } {S T : (SMνCharges n).Charges} (h : ∀ (j : Fin 6), i : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges, ((fun (a : ) => a ^ 3) (SMνCharges.toSpecies j) S) i = i : Fin (SMνSpecies n).numberCharges, ((fun (a : ) => a ^ 3) (SMνCharges.toSpecies j) T) i) :

                                    Extensionality lemma for accCube.