Time contractions #
The condition on a Wick contraction which is true iff and only if every contraction is between two fields of equal time.
Instances For
- φsΛ.instDecidableEqTimeOnly = inferInstanceAs (Decidable (∀ (i j : Fin φs.length), {i, j} ∈ ↑φsΛ → FieldSpecification.timeOrderRel φs[i] φs[j]))
Let φs
be a list of 𝓕.FieldOp
and φsΛ
a WickContraction
of φs
which every contraction involves two 𝓕.FieldOp
s that have the same time, then
φsΛ.staticContract = φsΛ.timeContract
Let φs
be a list of 𝓕.FieldOp
, φsΛ
a WickContraction
of φs
which every contraction involves two 𝓕.FieldOp
s that have the same time and
a general element in 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra
. Then
𝓣(φsΛ.timeContract.1 * b) = φsΛ.timeContract.1 * 𝓣(b)
This follows from properties of orderings and the ideal defining 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra
Let φs
be a list of 𝓕.FieldOp
and φsΛ
a WickContraction
at least one contraction between 𝓕.FieldOp
that do not have the same time. Then
𝓣(φsΛ.staticContract.1) = 0
The condition on a Wick contraction which is true if it has at least one contraction which is between two equal time fields.
Instances For
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Given a Wick contraction the subset of contracted pairs between equal time fields.
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Instances For
The equivalence which separates a Wick contraction which has an equal time contraction into a non-empty contraction only between equal-time fields and a Wick contraction which does not have equal time contractions.
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