PhysLean Documentation


Time contractions #

The condition on a Wick contraction which is true iff and only if every contraction is between two fields of equal time.

Instances For

    Let φs be a list of 𝓕.FieldOp and φsΛ a WickContraction of φs within which every contraction involves two 𝓕.FieldOps that have the same time, then φsΛ.staticContract = φsΛ.timeContract.

    theorem WickContraction.EqTimeOnly.eqTimeOnly_congr {𝓕 : FieldSpecification} {φs φs' : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (h : φs = φs') (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) :
    ((congr ) φsΛ).EqTimeOnly φsΛ.EqTimeOnly
    theorem WickContraction.EqTimeOnly.exists_join_singleton_of_card_ge_zero {𝓕 : FieldSpecification} {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (h : 0 < (↑φsΛ).card) (h1 : φsΛ.EqTimeOnly) :
    ∃ (i : Fin φs.length) (j : Fin φs.length) (h : i < j) (φsucΛ : WickContraction (singleton h).uncontractedListGet.length), φsΛ = (singleton h).join φsucΛ (FieldSpecification.timeOrderRel φs[i] φs[j] FieldSpecification.timeOrderRel φs[j] φs[i]) φsucΛ.EqTimeOnly (↑φsucΛ).card + 1 = (↑φsΛ).card

    Let φs be a list of 𝓕.FieldOp, φsΛ a WickContraction of φs within which every contraction involves two 𝓕.FieldOps that have the same time and b a general element in 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra. Then 𝓣(φsΛ.timeContract.1 * b) = φsΛ.timeContract.1 * 𝓣(b).

    This follows from properties of orderings and the ideal defining 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra.

    Let φs be a list of 𝓕.FieldOp and φsΛ a WickContraction with at least one contraction between 𝓕.FieldOp that do not have the same time. Then 𝓣(φsΛ.staticContract.1) = 0.

    The condition on a Wick contraction which is true if it has at least one contraction which is between two equal time fields.

    Instances For
      noncomputable instance WickContraction.instDecidableHaveEqTime {𝓕 : FieldSpecification} {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) :
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      theorem WickContraction.haveEqTime_iff_finset {𝓕 : FieldSpecification} {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) :
      φsΛ.HaveEqTime ∃ (a : Finset (Fin φs.length)) (h : a φsΛ), FieldSpecification.timeOrderRel φs[φsΛ.fstFieldOfContract a, h] φs[φsΛ.sndFieldOfContract a, h] FieldSpecification.timeOrderRel φs[φsΛ.sndFieldOfContract a, h] φs[φsΛ.fstFieldOfContract a, h]

      Given a Wick contraction the subset of contracted pairs between equal time fields.

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      Instances For
        theorem WickContraction.mem_of_mem_eqTimeContractSet {𝓕 : FieldSpecification} {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} {φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length} {a : Finset (Fin φs.length)} (h : a φsΛ.eqTimeContractSet) :
        a φsΛ
        theorem WickContraction.hasEqTimeEquiv_ext_sigma {𝓕 : FieldSpecification} {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} {x1 x2 : (φsΛ : { φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length // φsΛ.EqTimeOnly φsΛ empty }) × { φssucΛ : WickContraction (↑φsΛ).uncontractedListGet.length // ¬φssucΛ.HaveEqTime }} (h1 : x1.fst = x2.fst) (h2 : x1.snd = (congr ) x2.snd) :
        x1 = x2
        def WickContraction.hasEqTimeEquiv {𝓕 : FieldSpecification} (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) :
        { φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length // φsΛ.HaveEqTime } (φsΛ : { φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length // φsΛ.EqTimeOnly φsΛ empty }) × { φssucΛ : WickContraction (↑φsΛ).uncontractedListGet.length // ¬φssucΛ.HaveEqTime }

        The equivalence which separates a Wick contraction which has an equal time contraction into a non-empty contraction only between equal-time fields and a Wick contraction which does not have equal time contractions.

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        Instances For
          theorem WickContraction.sum_haveEqTime {𝓕 : FieldSpecification} {M : Type u_1} (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) (f : WickContraction φs.lengthM) [AddCommMonoid M] :
          φsΛ : { φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length // φsΛ.HaveEqTime }, f φsΛ = φsΛ : { φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length // φsΛ.EqTimeOnly φsΛ empty }, φssucΛ : { φssucΛ : WickContraction (↑φsΛ).uncontractedListGet.length // ¬φssucΛ.HaveEqTime }, f ((↑φsΛ).join φssucΛ)