Join of contractions #
Given a list φs
of 𝓕.FieldOp
, a Wick contraction φsΛ
of φs
and a Wick contraction
of [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ
, join φsΛ φsucΛ
is defined as the Wick contraction of φs
consisting of
the contractions in φsΛ
and those in φsucΛ
As an example, for φs = [φ1, φ2, φ3, φ4]
φsΛ = {{0, 1}}
corresponding to the contraction of φ1
and φ2
in φs
φsucΛ = {{0, 1}}
corresponding to the contraction of φ3
and φ4
in [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ = [φ3, φ4]
, then
join φsΛ φsucΛ
is the contraction {{0, 1}, {2, 3}}
of φs
- φsΛ.join φsucΛ = ⟨↑φsΛ ∪ (Finset.mapEmbedding WickContraction.uncontractedListEmd).toEmbedding ↑φsucΛ, ⋯⟩
Instances For
Given a contracting pair within φsΛ
the corresponding contracting pair within
(join φsΛ φsucΛ)
- WickContraction.joinLiftLeft a = ⟨↑a, ⋯⟩
Instances For
Given a contracting pair within φsucΛ
the corresponding contracting pair within
(join φsΛ φsucΛ)
Instances For
The map from contracted pairs of φsΛ
and φsucΛ
to contracted pairs in
(join φsΛ φsucΛ)