PhysLean Documentation


Sign associated with joining two Wick contractions #

theorem WickContraction.join_singleton_signFinset_eq_filter {𝓕 : FieldSpecification} {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} {i j : Fin φs.length} (h : i < j) (φsucΛ : WickContraction (singleton h).uncontractedListGet.length) :
((singleton h).join φsucΛ).signFinset i j = Finset.filter (fun (c : Fin φs.length) => ¬((((singleton h).join φsucΛ).getDual? c).isSome = true ∀ (h1 : (((singleton h).join φsucΛ).getDual? c).isSome = true), (((singleton h).join φsucΛ).getDual? c).get h1 < i)) ((singleton h).signFinset i j)

The difference in sign between φsucΛ.sign and the direct contribution of φsucΛ to (join (singleton h) φsucΛ).

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Instances For

    The difference in sign between (singleton h).sign and the direct contribution of (singleton h) to (join (singleton h) φsucΛ).

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    Instances For
      theorem WickContraction.join_sign_singleton {𝓕 : FieldSpecification} {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} {i j : Fin φs.length} (h : i < j) (hs : 𝓕.fieldOpStatistic φs[i] = 𝓕.fieldOpStatistic φs[j]) (φsucΛ : WickContraction (singleton h).uncontractedListGet.length) :
      sign φs ((singleton h).join φsucΛ) = sign φs (singleton h) * sign (singleton h).uncontractedListGet φsucΛ
      theorem WickContraction.join_sign_induction {𝓕 : FieldSpecification} {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (φsucΛ : WickContraction φsΛ.uncontractedListGet.length) (hc : GradingCompliant φs φsΛ) (n : ) (hn : (↑φsΛ).card = n) :
      sign φs (φsΛ.join φsucΛ) = sign φs φsΛ * sign φsΛ.uncontractedListGet φsucΛ
      theorem WickContraction.join_sign {𝓕 : FieldSpecification} {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (φsucΛ : WickContraction φsΛ.uncontractedListGet.length) (hc : GradingCompliant φs φsΛ) :
      sign φs (φsΛ.join φsucΛ) = sign φs φsΛ * sign φsΛ.uncontractedListGet φsucΛ

      For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, a grading compliant Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, and a Wick contraction φsucΛ of [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ, the following relation holds (join φsΛ φsucΛ).sign = φsΛ.sign * φsucΛ.sign.

      In φsΛ.sign the sign is determined by starting with the contracted pair whose first element occurs at the left-most position. This lemma manifests that this choice does not matter, and that contracted pairs can be brought together in any order.

      theorem WickContraction.join_sign_timeContract {𝓕 : FieldSpecification} {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (φsucΛ : WickContraction φsΛ.uncontractedListGet.length) :
      sign φs (φsΛ.join φsucΛ) (φsΛ.join φsucΛ).timeContract = sign φs φsΛ φsΛ.timeContract * sign φsΛ.uncontractedListGet φsucΛ φsucΛ.timeContract

      For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, and a Wick contraction φsucΛ of [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ, (join φsΛ φsucΛ).sign • (join φsΛ φsucΛ).timeContract is equal to the product of

      • φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.timeContract and
      • φsucΛ.sign • φsucΛ.timeContract.