PhysLean Documentation


Grading on the FieldOpFreeAlgebra #

The submodule of FieldOpFreeAlgebra spanned by lists of field statistic f.

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Instances For

    The projection of an element of FieldOpFreeAlgebra onto it's bosonic part.

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    Instances For

      The projection of an element of FieldOpFreeAlgebra onto it's fermionic part.

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      Instances For

        For a field specification 𝓕, the algebra 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra is graded by FieldStatistic. Those ofCrAnListF φs for which φs has an overall bosonic statistic (i.e. 𝓕 |>ₛ φs = bosonic) span bosonic submodule, whilst those ofCrAnListF φs for which φs has an overall fermionic statistic (i.e. 𝓕 |>ₛ φs = fermionic) span the fermionic submodule.
