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Standard parameters for the CKM Matrix #

Given a CKM matrix V we can extract four real numbers θ₁₂, θ₁₃, θ₂₃ and δ₁₃. These, when used in the standard parameterization return V up to equivalence.

This leads to the theorem standParam.exists_for_CKMatrix which says that up to equivalence every CKM matrix can be written using the standard parameterization.

Given a CKM matrix V the real number corresponding to sin θ₁₂ in the standard parameterization. -

Instances For

    Given a CKM matrix V the real number corresponding to sin θ₁₃ in the standard parameterization. -

    Instances For

      Given a CKM matrix V the real number corresponding to sin θ₂₃ in the standard parameterization. -

      Instances For

        Given a CKM matrix V the real number corresponding to θ₁₂ in the standard parameterization. -

        Instances For

          Given a CKM matrix V the real number corresponding to θ₁₃ in the standard parameterization. -

          Instances For

            Given a CKM matrix V the real number corresponding to θ₂₃ in the standard parameterization. -

            Instances For

              Given a CKM matrix V the real number corresponding to cos θ₁₂ in the standard parameterization. -

              Instances For

                Given a CKM matrix V the real number corresponding to cos θ₁₃ in the standard parameterization. -

                Instances For

                  Given a CKM matrix V the real number corresponding to sin θ₂₃ in the standard parameterization. -

                  Instances For

                    Given a CKM matrix V the real number corresponding to the phase δ₁₃ in the standard parameterization. -

                    Instances For

                      For a CKM matrix sin θ₁₂ is non-negative.

                      For a CKM matrix sin θ₁₃ is non-negative.

                      For a CKM matrix sin θ₂₃ is non-negative.

                      For a CKM matrix sin θ₁₂ is less than or equal to 1.

                      For a CKM matrix sin θ₁₃ is less than or equal to 1.

                      For a CKM matrix sin θ₂₃ is less than or equal to 1.

                      theorem standParam.exists_for_CKMatrix (V : CKMMatrix) :
                      ∃ (θ₁₂ : ) (θ₁₃ : ) (θ₂₃ : ) (δ₁₃ : ), V standParam θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃