PhysLean Documentation


Standard parameterization for the CKM Matrix #

This file defines the standard parameterization of CKM matrices in terms of four real numbers θ₁₂, θ₁₃, θ₂₃ and δ₁₃.

We will show that every CKM matrix can be written within this standard parameterization in the file FlavorPhysics.CKMMatrix.StandardParameters.

def standParamAsMatrix (θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃ : ) :
Matrix (Fin 3) (Fin 3)

Given four reals θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃ the standard parameterization of the CKM matrix as a 3×3 complex matrix.

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Instances For
    theorem standParamAsMatrix_unitary (θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃ : ) :
    (standParamAsMatrix θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃).conjTranspose * standParamAsMatrix θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃ = 1

    The standard parameterization forms a unitary matrix.

    def standParam (θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃ : ) :

    A CKM Matrix from four reals θ₁₂, θ₁₃, θ₂₃, and δ₁₃. This is the standard parameterization of CKM matrices.

    Instances For
      theorem standParam.cross_product_t (θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃ : ) :
      (standParam θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃).tRow = (crossProduct ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) (standParam θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃).uRow)) ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) (standParam θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃).cRow)

      The top-row of the standard parameterization is the cross product of the conjugate of the up and charm rows.

      theorem standParam.eq_rows (U : CKMMatrix) {θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃ : } (hu : U.uRow = (standParam θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃).uRow) (hc : U.cRow = (standParam θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃).cRow) (hU : U.tRow = (crossProduct ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) U.uRow)) ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) U.cRow)) :
      U = standParam θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃

      A CKM matrix which has rows equal to that of a standard parameterisation is equal to that standard parameterisation.

      theorem standParam.eq_exp_of_phases (θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃ δ₁₃' : ) (h : Complex.exp (δ₁₃ * Complex.I) = Complex.exp (δ₁₃' * Complex.I)) :
      standParam θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃ = standParam θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃'

      Two standard parameterisations of CKM matrices are the same matrix if they have the same angles and the exponential of their faces is equal.

      theorem standParam.VusVubVcdSq_eq (θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃ : ) (h1 : 0 Real.sin θ₁₂) (h2 : 0 Real.cos θ₁₃) (h3 : 0 Real.sin θ₂₃) (h4 : 0 Real.cos θ₁₂) :
      Invariant.VusVubVcdSq standParam θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃ = Real.sin θ₁₂ ^ 2 * Real.cos θ₁₃ ^ 2 * Real.sin θ₁₃ ^ 2 * Real.sin θ₂₃ ^ 2
      theorem standParam.mulExpδ₁₃_eq (θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃ : ) (h1 : 0 Real.sin θ₁₂) (h2 : 0 Real.cos θ₁₃) (h3 : 0 Real.sin θ₂₃) (h4 : 0 Real.cos θ₁₂) :
      Invariant.mulExpδ₁₃ standParam θ₁₂ θ₁₃ θ₂₃ δ₁₃ = Complex.sin θ₁₂ * Complex.cos θ₁₃ ^ 2 * Complex.sin θ₂₃ * Complex.sin θ₁₃ * Complex.cos θ₁₂ * Complex.cos θ₂₃ * Complex.exp (Complex.I * δ₁₃)