PhysLean Documentation


Phase freedom of the CKM Matrix #

The CKM matrix is only defined up to an equivalence. This leads to a freedom to shift the phases of the matrices elements of the CKM matrix.

In this file we define two sets of conditions on the CKM matrices fstRowThdColRealCond which we show can be satisfied by any CKM matrix up to equivalence and ubOnePhaseCond which we show can be satisfied by any CKM matrix up to equivalence as long as the ub element as absolute value 1.

theorem CKMMatrix.shift_ud_phase_zero (u c t d s b : ) (V : CKMMatrix) (h1 : u + d = -(V 0 0).arg) :
(phaseShiftApply V u c t d s b) 0 0 = (VudAbs V)
theorem CKMMatrix.shift_us_phase_zero (u c t d s b : ) {V : CKMMatrix} (h1 : u + s = -(V 0 1).arg) :
(phaseShiftApply V u c t d s b) 0 1 = (VusAbs V)
theorem CKMMatrix.shift_ub_phase_zero (u c t d s b : ) {V : CKMMatrix} (h1 : u + b = -(V 0 2).arg) :
(phaseShiftApply V u c t d s b) 0 2 = (VubAbs V)
theorem CKMMatrix.shift_cs_phase_zero (u c t d s b : ) {V : CKMMatrix} (h1 : c + s = -(V 1 1).arg) :
(phaseShiftApply V u c t d s b) 1 1 = (VcsAbs V)
theorem CKMMatrix.shift_cb_phase_zero (u c t d s b : ) {V : CKMMatrix} (h1 : c + b = -(V 1 2).arg) :
(phaseShiftApply V u c t d s b) 1 2 = (VcbAbs V)
theorem CKMMatrix.shift_tb_phase_zero (u c t d s b : ) {V : CKMMatrix} (h1 : t + b = -(V 2 2).arg) :
(phaseShiftApply V u c t d s b) 2 2 = (VtbAbs V)
theorem CKMMatrix.shift_cd_phase_pi (u c t d s b : ) {V : CKMMatrix} (h1 : c + d = Real.pi - (V 1 0).arg) :
(phaseShiftApply V u c t d s b) 1 0 = -(VcdAbs V)
theorem CKMMatrix.shift_cross_product_phase_zero (u c t d s b : ) {V : CKMMatrix} {τ : } (hτ : Complex.exp (τ * Complex.I) (crossProduct ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.uRow)) ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.cRow) = V.tRow) (h1 : τ = -u - c - t - d - s - b) :
(phaseShiftApply V u c t d s b).tRow = (crossProduct ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) (phaseShiftApply V u c t d s b).uRow)) ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) (phaseShiftApply V u c t d s b).cRow)

A proposition which is satisfied by a CKM matrix if its ud, us, cb and tb elements are positive and real, and there is no phase difference between the tth-row and the cross product of the conjugates of the uth and cth rows.

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Instances For

    A proposition which is satisfied by a CKM matrix ub is one, ud, us and cb are zero, there is no phase difference between the tth-row and the cross product of the conjugates of the uth and cth rows, and the cdth and csth elements are real and related in a set way.

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    Instances For
      theorem CKMMatrix.fstRowThdColRealCond_shift_solution (a b c d e f : ) {τ : } {V : CKMMatrix} (h1 : a + d = -(V 0 0).arg) (h2 : a + e = -(V 0 1).arg) (h3 : b + f = -(V 1 2).arg) (h4 : c + f = -(V 2 2).arg) (h5 : τ = -a - b - c - d - e - f) :
      b = -τ + (V 0 0).arg + (V 0 1).arg + (V 2 2).arg + a c = -τ + (V 1 2).arg + (V 0 0).arg + (V 0 1).arg + a d = -(V 0 0).arg - a e = -(V 0 1).arg - a f = τ - (V 0 0).arg - (V 0 1).arg - (V 1 2).arg - (V 2 2).arg - a
      theorem CKMMatrix.ubOnePhaseCond_shift_solution (a b c d e f : ) {V : CKMMatrix} (h1 : a + f = -(V 0 2).arg) (h2 : 0 = -a - b - c - d - e - f) (h3 : b + d = Real.pi - (V 1 0).arg) (h5 : b + e = -(V 1 1).arg) :
      c = -Real.pi + (V 1 0).arg + (V 1 1).arg + (V 0 2).arg + b d = Real.pi - (V 1 0).arg - b e = -(V 1 1).arg - b f = -(V 0 2).arg - a
      theorem CKMMatrix.cd_of_fstRowThdColRealCond {V : CKMMatrix} (hb : V 0 0 0 V 0 1 0) (hV : V.FstRowThdColRealCond) :
      V 1 0 = -(VtbAbs V) * (VusAbs V) / ((VudAbs V) ^ 2 + (VusAbs V) ^ 2) + -(VubAbs V) * (VudAbs V) * (VcbAbs V) / ((VudAbs V) ^ 2 + (VusAbs V) ^ 2) * Complex.exp (-(V 0 2).arg * Complex.I)
      theorem CKMMatrix.cs_of_fstRowThdColRealCond {V : CKMMatrix} (hb : V 0 0 0 V 0 1 0) (hV : V.FstRowThdColRealCond) :
      V 1 1 = (VtbAbs V) * (VudAbs V) / ((VudAbs V) ^ 2 + (VusAbs V) ^ 2) + -(VubAbs V) * (VusAbs V) * (VcbAbs V) / ((VudAbs V) ^ 2 + (VusAbs V) ^ 2) * Complex.exp (-(V 0 2).arg * Complex.I)