PhysLean Documentation


Matrices #

This file defines basic properties of matrices up to the module structure.

Matrices with rows indexed by m, columns indexed by n, and entries of type α are represented with Matrix m n α. For the typical approach of counting rows and columns, Matrix (Fin m) (Fin n) α can be used.

Main definitions #

Notation #

The locale Matrix gives the following notation:

See Mathlib/Data/Matrix/ConjTranspose.lean for

Implementation notes #

For convenience, Matrix m n α is defined as m → n → α, as this allows elements of the matrix to be accessed with A i j. However, it is not advisable to construct matrices using terms of the form fun i j ↦ _ or even (fun i j ↦ _ : Matrix m n α), as these are not recognized by Lean as having the right type. Instead, Matrix.of should be used.

def Matrix (m : Type u) (n : Type u') (α : Type v) :
Type (max u u' v)

Matrix m n R is the type of matrices with entries in R, whose rows are indexed by m and whose columns are indexed by n.

Instances For
    theorem Matrix.ext_iff {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {M N : Matrix m n α} :
    (∀ (i : m) (j : n), M i j = N i j) M = N
    theorem Matrix.ext {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {M N : Matrix m n α} :
    (∀ (i : m) (j : n), M i j = N i j)M = N
    def Matrix.of {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} :
    (mnα) Matrix m n α

    Cast a function into a matrix.

    The two sides of the equivalence are definitionally equal types. We want to use an explicit cast to distinguish the types because Matrix has different instances to pi types (such as Pi.mul, which performs elementwise multiplication, vs Matrix.mul).

    If you are defining a matrix, in terms of its entries, use of (fun i j ↦ _). The purpose of this approach is to ensure that terms of the form (fun i j ↦ _) * (fun i j ↦ _) do not appear, as the type of * can be misleading.

    Porting note: In Lean 3, it is also safe to use pattern matching in a definition as | i j := _, which can only be unfolded when fully-applied. means this does not (currently) work in Lean 4.

    Instances For
      theorem Matrix.of_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} (f : mnα) (i : m) (j : n) :
      of f i j = f i j
      theorem Matrix.of_symm_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} (f : Matrix m n α) (i : m) (j : n) :
      of.symm f i j = f i j
      def {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} (M : Matrix m n α) (f : αβ) :
      Matrix m n β f is the matrix obtained by applying f to each entry of the matrix M.

      This is available in bundled forms as:

      • AddMonoidHom.mapMatrix
      • LinearMap.mapMatrix
      • RingHom.mapMatrix
      • AlgHom.mapMatrix
      • Equiv.mapMatrix
      • AddEquiv.mapMatrix
      • LinearEquiv.mapMatrix
      • RingEquiv.mapMatrix
      • AlgEquiv.mapMatrix
      Instances For
        theorem Matrix.map_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} {M : Matrix m n α} {f : αβ} {i : m} {j : n} : f i j = f (M i j)
        theorem Matrix.map_id {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} (M : Matrix m n α) : id = M
        theorem Matrix.map_id' {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} (M : Matrix m n α) :
        ( fun (x : α) => x) = M
        theorem Matrix.map_map {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {M : Matrix m n α} {β : Type u_10} {γ : Type u_11} {f : αβ} {g : βγ} :
        ( f).map g = (g f)
        theorem Matrix.map_injective {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} {f : αβ} (hf : Function.Injective f) :
        Function.Injective fun (M : Matrix m n α) => f
        def Matrix.transpose {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} (M : Matrix m n α) :
        Matrix n m α

        The transpose of a matrix.

        Instances For
          theorem Matrix.transpose_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} (M : Matrix m n α) (i : n) (j : m) :
          M.transpose i j = M j i

          The transpose of a matrix.

          Instances For
            instance Matrix.inhabited {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Inhabited α] :
            Inhabited (Matrix m n α)
            instance Matrix.add {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Add α] :
            Add (Matrix m n α)
            instance Matrix.addSemigroup {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [AddSemigroup α] :
            instance {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Zero α] :
            Zero (Matrix m n α)
            instance Matrix.addZeroClass {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [AddZeroClass α] :
            instance Matrix.addMonoid {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [AddMonoid α] :
            AddMonoid (Matrix m n α)
            instance Matrix.neg {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Neg α] :
            Neg (Matrix m n α)
            instance Matrix.sub {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Sub α] :
            Sub (Matrix m n α)
            instance Matrix.addGroup {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [AddGroup α] :
            AddGroup (Matrix m n α)
            instance Matrix.addCommGroup {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [AddCommGroup α] :
            instance Matrix.unique {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Unique α] :
            Unique (Matrix m n α)
            instance Matrix.subsingleton {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Subsingleton α] :
            instance Matrix.nonempty {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Nonempty m] [Nonempty n] [Nontrivial α] :
            instance Matrix.smul {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [SMul R α] :
            SMul R (Matrix m n α)
            instance Matrix.smulCommClass {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {S : Type u_8} {α : Type v} [SMul R α] [SMul S α] [SMulCommClass R S α] :
            SMulCommClass R S (Matrix m n α)
            instance Matrix.isScalarTower {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {S : Type u_8} {α : Type v} [SMul R S] [SMul R α] [SMul S α] [IsScalarTower R S α] :
            IsScalarTower R S (Matrix m n α)
            instance Matrix.isCentralScalar {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [SMul R α] [SMul Rᵐᵒᵖ α] [IsCentralScalar R α] :
            instance Matrix.mulAction {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Monoid R] [MulAction R α] :
            MulAction R (Matrix m n α)
            instance Matrix.distribMulAction {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Monoid R] [AddMonoid α] [DistribMulAction R α] :
            instance Matrix.module {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid α] [Module R α] :
            Module R (Matrix m n α)
            theorem Matrix.zero_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Zero α] (i : m) (j : n) :
            0 i j = 0
            theorem Matrix.add_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Add α] (A B : Matrix m n α) (i : m) (j : n) :
            (A + B) i j = A i j + B i j
            theorem Matrix.smul_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [SMul β α] (r : β) (A : Matrix m n α) (i : m) (j : n) :
            (r A) i j = r A i j
            theorem Matrix.sub_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Sub α] (A B : Matrix m n α) (i : m) (j : n) :
            (A - B) i j = A i j - B i j
            theorem Matrix.neg_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Neg α] (A : Matrix m n α) (i : m) (j : n) :
            (-A) i j = -A i j
            theorem Matrix.dite_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} (P : Prop) [Decidable P] (A : PMatrix m n α) (B : ¬PMatrix m n α) (i : m) (j : n) :
            dite P A B i j = if x : P then A x i j else B x i j
            theorem Matrix.ite_apply {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} (P : Prop) [Decidable P] (A B : Matrix m n α) (i : m) (j : n) :
            (if P then A else B) i j = if P then A i j else B i j

            simp-normal form pulls of to the outside.

            theorem Matrix.of_zero {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Zero α] :
            of 0 = 0
            theorem Matrix.of_add_of {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Add α] (f g : mnα) :
            of f + of g = of (f + g)
            theorem Matrix.of_sub_of {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Sub α] (f g : mnα) :
            of f - of g = of (f - g)
            theorem Matrix.neg_of {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Neg α] (f : mnα) :
            -of f = of (-f)
            theorem Matrix.smul_of {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} [SMul R α] (r : R) (f : mnα) :
            r of f = of (r f)
            theorem Matrix.map_zero {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Zero α] [Zero β] (f : αβ) (h : f 0 = 0) :
            map 0 f = 0
            theorem Matrix.map_add {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Add α] [Add β] (f : αβ) (hf : ∀ (a₁ a₂ : α), f (a₁ + a₂) = f a₁ + f a₂) (M N : Matrix m n α) :
            (M + N).map f = f + f
            theorem Matrix.map_sub {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Sub α] [Sub β] (f : αβ) (hf : ∀ (a₁ a₂ : α), f (a₁ - a₂) = f a₁ - f a₂) (M N : Matrix m n α) :
            (M - N).map f = f - f
            theorem Matrix.map_smul {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [SMul R α] [SMul R β] (f : αβ) (r : R) (hf : ∀ (a : α), f (r a) = r f a) (M : Matrix m n α) :
            (r M).map f = r f
            theorem Matrix.map_smul' {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Mul α] [Mul β] (f : αβ) (r : α) (A : Matrix n n α) (hf : ∀ (a₁ a₂ : α), f (a₁ * a₂) = f a₁ * f a₂) :
            (r A).map f = f r f

            The scalar action via Mul.toSMul is transformed by the same map as the elements of the matrix, when f preserves multiplication.

            theorem Matrix.map_op_smul' {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} [Mul α] [Mul β] (f : αβ) (r : α) (A : Matrix n n α) (hf : ∀ (a₁ a₂ : α), f (a₁ * a₂) = f a₁ * f a₂) :

            The scalar action via mul.toOppositeSMul is transformed by the same map as the elements of the matrix, when f preserves multiplication.

            theorem IsSMulRegular.matrix {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {R : Type u_7} {S : Type u_8} [SMul R S] {k : R} (hk : IsSMulRegular S k) :
            theorem IsLeftRegular.matrix {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Mul α] {k : α} (hk : IsLeftRegular k) :
            instance Matrix.subsingleton_of_empty_left {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [IsEmpty m] :
            instance Matrix.subsingleton_of_empty_right {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [IsEmpty n] :
            def Matrix.ofAddEquiv {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Add α] :
            (mnα) ≃+ Matrix m n α

            This is Matrix.of bundled as an additive equivalence.

            Instances For
              theorem Matrix.coe_ofAddEquiv {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Add α] :
              theorem Matrix.coe_ofAddEquiv_symm {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Add α] :
              theorem Matrix.isAddUnit_iff {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [AddMonoid α] {A : Matrix m n α} :
              IsAddUnit A ∀ (i : m) (j : n), IsAddUnit (A i j)
              theorem Matrix.transpose_transpose {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} (M : Matrix m n α) :
              theorem Matrix.transpose_inj {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {A B : Matrix m n α} :
              theorem Matrix.transpose_zero {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Zero α] :
              theorem Matrix.transpose_eq_zero {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Zero α] {M : Matrix m n α} :
              M.transpose = 0 M = 0
              theorem Matrix.transpose_add {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Add α] (M N : Matrix m n α) :
              theorem Matrix.transpose_sub {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Sub α] (M N : Matrix m n α) :
              theorem Matrix.transpose_smul {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {R : Type u_10} [SMul R α] (c : R) (M : Matrix m n α) :
              theorem Matrix.transpose_neg {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} [Neg α] (M : Matrix m n α) :
              theorem Matrix.transpose_map {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} {f : αβ} {M : Matrix m n α} :
              def Matrix.submatrix {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} (A : Matrix m n α) (r_reindex : lm) (c_reindex : on) :
              Matrix l o α

              Given maps (r_reindex : l → m) and (c_reindex : o → n) reindexing the rows and columns of a matrix M : Matrix m n α, the matrix M.submatrix r_reindex c_reindex : Matrix l o α is defined by (M.submatrix r_reindex c_reindex) i j = M (r_reindex i) (c_reindex j) for (i,j) : l × o. Note that the total number of row and columns does not have to be preserved.

              • A.submatrix r_reindex c_reindex = Matrix.of fun (i : l) (j : o) => A (r_reindex i) (c_reindex j)
              Instances For
                theorem Matrix.submatrix_apply {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} (A : Matrix m n α) (r_reindex : lm) (c_reindex : on) (i : l) (j : o) :
                A.submatrix r_reindex c_reindex i j = A (r_reindex i) (c_reindex j)
                theorem Matrix.submatrix_id_id {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} (A : Matrix m n α) :
                theorem Matrix.submatrix_submatrix {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} {l₂ : Type u_10} {o₂ : Type u_11} (A : Matrix m n α) (r₁ : lm) (c₁ : on) (r₂ : l₂l) (c₂ : o₂o) :
                (A.submatrix r₁ c₁).submatrix r₂ c₂ = A.submatrix (r₁ r₂) (c₁ c₂)
                theorem Matrix.transpose_submatrix {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} (A : Matrix m n α) (r_reindex : lm) (c_reindex : on) :
                (A.submatrix r_reindex c_reindex).transpose = A.transpose.submatrix c_reindex r_reindex
                theorem Matrix.submatrix_add {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} [Add α] (A B : Matrix m n α) :
                theorem Matrix.submatrix_neg {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} [Neg α] (A : Matrix m n α) :
                theorem Matrix.submatrix_sub {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} [Sub α] (A B : Matrix m n α) :
                theorem Matrix.submatrix_zero {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} [Zero α] :
                theorem Matrix.submatrix_smul {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} {R : Type u_10} [SMul R α] (r : R) (A : Matrix m n α) :
                theorem Matrix.submatrix_map {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} {β : Type w} (f : αβ) (e₁ : lm) (e₂ : on) (A : Matrix m n α) :
                ( f).submatrix e₁ e₂ = (A.submatrix e₁ e₂).map f
                def Matrix.reindex {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} (eₘ : m l) (eₙ : n o) :
                Matrix m n α Matrix l o α

                The natural map that reindexes a matrix's rows and columns with equivalent types is an equivalence.

                Instances For
                  theorem Matrix.reindex_apply {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} (eₘ : m l) (eₙ : n o) (M : Matrix m n α) :
                  (reindex eₘ eₙ) M = M.submatrix eₘ.symm eₙ.symm
                  theorem Matrix.reindex_refl_refl {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {α : Type v} (A : Matrix m n α) :
                  theorem Matrix.reindex_symm {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} (eₘ : m l) (eₙ : n o) :
                  (reindex eₘ eₙ).symm = reindex eₘ.symm eₙ.symm
                  theorem Matrix.reindex_trans {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} {l₂ : Type u_10} {o₂ : Type u_11} (eₘ : m l) (eₙ : n o) (eₘ₂ : l l₂) (eₙ₂ : o o₂) :
                  (reindex eₘ eₙ).trans (reindex eₘ₂ eₙ₂) = reindex (eₘ.trans eₘ₂) (eₙ.trans eₙ₂)
                  theorem Matrix.transpose_reindex {l : Type u_1} {m : Type u_2} {n : Type u_3} {o : Type u_4} {α : Type v} (eₘ : m l) (eₙ : n o) (M : Matrix m n α) :
                  ((reindex eₘ eₙ) M).transpose = (reindex eₙ eₘ) M.transpose
                  @[reducible, inline]
                  abbrev Matrix.subLeft {α : Type v} {m l r : } (A : Matrix (Fin m) (Fin (l + r)) α) :
                  Matrix (Fin m) (Fin l) α

                  The left n × l part of an n × (l+r) matrix.

                  Instances For
                    @[reducible, inline]
                    abbrev Matrix.subRight {α : Type v} {m l r : } (A : Matrix (Fin m) (Fin (l + r)) α) :
                    Matrix (Fin m) (Fin r) α

                    The right n × r part of an n × (l+r) matrix.

                    Instances For
                      @[reducible, inline]
                      abbrev Matrix.subUp {α : Type v} {d u n : } (A : Matrix (Fin (u + d)) (Fin n) α) :
                      Matrix (Fin u) (Fin n) α

                      The top u × n part of a (u+d) × n matrix.

                      Instances For
                        @[reducible, inline]
                        abbrev Matrix.subDown {α : Type v} {d u n : } (A : Matrix (Fin (u + d)) (Fin n) α) :
                        Matrix (Fin d) (Fin n) α

                        The bottom d × n part of a (u+d) × n matrix.

                        Instances For
                          @[reducible, inline]
                          abbrev Matrix.subUpRight {α : Type v} {d u l r : } (A : Matrix (Fin (u + d)) (Fin (l + r)) α) :
                          Matrix (Fin u) (Fin r) α

                          The top-right u × r part of a (u+d) × (l+r) matrix.

                          Instances For
                            @[reducible, inline]
                            abbrev Matrix.subDownRight {α : Type v} {d u l r : } (A : Matrix (Fin (u + d)) (Fin (l + r)) α) :
                            Matrix (Fin d) (Fin r) α

                            The bottom-right d × r part of a (u+d) × (l+r) matrix.

                            Instances For
                              @[reducible, inline]
                              abbrev Matrix.subUpLeft {α : Type v} {d u l r : } (A : Matrix (Fin (u + d)) (Fin (l + r)) α) :
                              Matrix (Fin u) (Fin l) α

                              The top-left u × l part of a (u+d) × (l+r) matrix.

                              Instances For
                                @[reducible, inline]
                                abbrev Matrix.subDownLeft {α : Type v} {d u l r : } (A : Matrix (Fin (u + d)) (Fin (l + r)) α) :
                                Matrix (Fin d) (Fin l) α

                                The bottom-left d × l part of a (u+d) × (l+r) matrix.

                                Instances For