PhysLean Documentation


Rows for the CKM Matrix #

This file contains the definition extracting the rows of the CKM matrix and proves some properties between them.

The first row can be extracted as [V]u for a CKM matrix V.

def CKMMatrix.uRow (V : CKMMatrix) :
Fin 3

The uth row of the CKM matrix.

Instances For

    The uth row of the CKM matrix.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      def CKMMatrix.cRow (V : CKMMatrix) :
      Fin 3

      The cth row of the CKM matrix.

      Instances For

        The cth row of the CKM matrix.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          def CKMMatrix.tRow (V : CKMMatrix) :
          Fin 3

          The tth row of the CKM matrix.

          Instances For

            The tth row of the CKM matrix.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For

              The up-quark row of the CKM matrix is normalized to 1.

              The charm-quark row of the CKM matrix is normalized to 1.

              The top-quark row of the CKM matrix is normalized to 1.

              The up-quark row of the CKM matrix is orthogonal to the charm-quark row.

              The up-quark row of the CKM matrix is orthogonal to the top-quark row.

              The charm-quark row of the CKM matrix is orthogonal to the up-quark row.

              The charm-quark row of the CKM matrix is orthogonal to the top-quark row.

              The top-quark row of the CKM matrix is orthogonal to the up-quark row.

              The top-quark row of the CKM matrix is orthogonal to the charm-quark row.

              def CKMMatrix.rows (V : CKMMatrix) :
              Fin 3Fin 3

              A map from Fin 3 to each row of a CKM matrix.

              Instances For

                The rows of a CKM matrix are linearly independent.

                noncomputable def CKMMatrix.rowBasis (V : CKMMatrix) :
                Basis (Fin 3) (Fin 3)

                The rows of a CKM matrix as a basis of ℂ³.

                Instances For
                  theorem CKMMatrix.ext_Rows {U V : CKMMatrix} (hu : U.uRow = V.uRow) (hc : U.cRow = V.cRow) (ht : U.tRow = V.tRow) :
                  U = V
                  def phaseShiftApply.ucCross (V : CKMMatrix) (a b c d e f : ) :
                  Fin 3

                  The cross product of the conjugate of the u and c rows of a CKM matrix.

                  Instances For
                    theorem phaseShiftApply.ucCross_fst (a b c d e f : ) (V : CKMMatrix) :
                    ucCross V a b c d e f 0 = Complex.exp (-a * Complex.I + -b * Complex.I + -e * Complex.I + -f * Complex.I) * (crossProduct ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.uRow)) ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.cRow) 0
                    theorem phaseShiftApply.ucCross_snd (a b c d e f : ) (V : CKMMatrix) :
                    ucCross V a b c d e f 1 = Complex.exp (-a * Complex.I + -b * Complex.I + -d * Complex.I + -f * Complex.I) * (crossProduct ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.uRow)) ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.cRow) 1
                    theorem phaseShiftApply.ucCross_thd (a b c d e f : ) (V : CKMMatrix) :
                    ucCross V a b c d e f 2 = Complex.exp (-a * Complex.I + -b * Complex.I + -d * Complex.I + -e * Complex.I) * (crossProduct ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.uRow)) ((starRingEnd (Fin 3)) V.cRow) 2
                    theorem phaseShiftApply.uRow_mul (V : CKMMatrix) (a b c : ) :
                    (phaseShiftApply V a b c 0 0 0).uRow = Complex.exp (a * Complex.I) V.uRow
                    theorem phaseShiftApply.cRow_mul (V : CKMMatrix) (a b c : ) :
                    (phaseShiftApply V a b c 0 0 0).cRow = Complex.exp (b * Complex.I) V.cRow
                    theorem phaseShiftApply.tRow_mul (V : CKMMatrix) (a b c : ) :
                    (phaseShiftApply V a b c 0 0 0).tRow = Complex.exp (c * Complex.I) V.tRow