PhysLean Documentation


Associativity of products #

The results here follow from the properties of braided categories and braided functors.

The permutation that arises from associativity of prod node. This permutation is defined using braiding and composition with finSumFinEquiv based-isomorphisms.

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Instances For
    theorem TensorTree.prod_assoc {S : TensorSpecies} {n n2 n3 : } (c : Fin nS.C) (c2 : Fin n2S.C) (c3 : Fin n3S.C) (t : TensorTree S c) (t2 : TensorTree S c2) (t3 : TensorTree S c3) :
    ( ( t3)).tensor = (perm (assocPerm c c2 c3).hom (( t2).prod t3)).tensor

    The prod obeys associativity.

    theorem TensorTree.prod_assoc' {S : TensorSpecies} {n n2 n3 : } (c : Fin nS.C) (c2 : Fin n2S.C) (c3 : Fin n3S.C) (t : TensorTree S c) (t2 : TensorTree S c2) (t3 : TensorTree S c3) :
    (( t2).prod t3).tensor = (perm (assocPerm c c2 c3).inv ( ( t3))).tensor

    The alternative version of associativity for prod where the permutation is on the opposite side.