PhysLean Documentation


Basic node identities #

This file contains the basic node identities for tensor trees. More complicated identities appear in there own files.

Equality of constructors. #

A constVecNode has equal tensor to the vecNode with the map evaluated at 1.

Instances For

    A constTwoNode has equal tensor to the twoNode with the map evaluated at 1.

    Instances For

      Tensornode #

      theorem TensorTree.tensorNode_of_tree {S : TensorSpecies} {n✝ : } {c : Fin n✝S.C} (t : TensorTree S c) :

      The tensor node of a tensor tree's tensor has a tensor which is the tensor tree's tensor.

      Negation #

      theorem TensorTree.neg_neg {S : TensorSpecies} {n✝ : } {c : Fin n✝S.C} (t : TensorTree S c) :

      Two neg nodes of a tensor tree cancel.

      theorem TensorTree.neg_fst_prod {S : TensorSpecies} {n m : } {c1 : Fin nS.C} {c2 : Fin mS.C} (T1 : TensorTree S c1) (T2 : TensorTree S c2) :
      ( T2).tensor = ( T2).neg.tensor

      A neg node can be moved out of the LHS of a prod node.

      theorem TensorTree.neg_snd_prod {S : TensorSpecies} {n m : } {c1 : Fin nS.C} {c2 : Fin mS.C} (T1 : TensorTree S c1) (T2 : TensorTree S c2) :
      ( T2.neg).tensor = ( T2).neg.tensor

      A neg node can be moved out of the RHS of a prod node.

      theorem TensorTree.neg_contr {S : TensorSpecies} {n : } {c : Fin n.succ.succS.C} {i : Fin n.succ.succ} {j : Fin n.succ} {h : c (i.succAbove j) = S.τ (c i)} (t : TensorTree S c) :
      (contr i j h t.neg).tensor = (contr i j h t).neg.tensor

      A neg node can be moved through a contr node.

      theorem TensorTree.neg_perm {S : TensorSpecies} {n m : } {c : Fin nS.C} {c1 : Fin mS.C} (σ : c c1) (t : TensorTree S c) :
      (perm σ t.neg).tensor = (perm σ t).neg.tensor

      A neg node can be moved through a perm node.

      theorem TensorTree.neg_add {S : TensorSpecies} {n✝ : } {c : Fin n✝S.C} (t : TensorTree S c) :
      (t.neg.add t).tensor = 0

      The negation of a tensor tree plus itself is zero.

      theorem TensorTree.add_neg {S : TensorSpecies} {n✝ : } {c : Fin n✝S.C} (t : TensorTree S c) :
      (t.add t.neg).tensor = 0

      A tensor tree plus its negation is zero.

      Basic perm identities #

      theorem TensorTree.perm_perm {S : TensorSpecies} {n n1 n2 : } {c : Fin nS.C} {c1 : Fin n1S.C} {c2 : Fin n2S.C} (σ : c c1) (σ2 : c1 c2) (t : TensorTree S c) :

      Applying two permutations is the same as applying the transitive permutation.

      Applying the identity permutation is the same as not applying a permutation.

      Applying a permutation which is equal to the identity permutation is the same as not applying a permutation.

      theorem TensorTree.perm_eq_of_eq_perm {S : TensorSpecies} {n m : } {c : Fin nS.C} {c1 : Fin mS.C} (σ : c c1) {t : TensorTree S c} {t2 : TensorTree S c1} (h : (perm σ.hom t).tensor = t2.tensor) :
      t.tensor = (perm σ.inv t2).tensor

      Given an equality of tensors corresponding to tensor trees where the tensor tree on the left finishes with a permutation node, this permutation node can be moved to the tensor tree on the right. This lemma holds here for isomorphisms only, but holds in practice more generally.

      A permutation of a tensor tree t1 has equal tensor to a tensor tree t2 if and only if the inverse-permutation of t2 has equal tensor to t1.

      Vector based identities #

      These identities are related to the fact that all the maps are linear.

      theorem TensorTree.smul_smul {S : TensorSpecies} {n✝ : } {c : Fin n✝S.C} (t : TensorTree S c) (a b : S.k) :
      (smul a (smul b t)).tensor = (smul (a * b) t).tensor

      Two smul nodes can be replaced with a single smul node with the product of the two scalars.

      theorem TensorTree.smul_one {S : TensorSpecies} {n✝ : } {c : Fin n✝S.C} (t : TensorTree S c) :

      An smul-node with scalar 1 does nothing.

      theorem TensorTree.smul_eq_one {S : TensorSpecies} {n✝ : } {c : Fin n✝S.C} (t : TensorTree S c) (a : S.k) (h : a = 1) :

      An smul-node with scalar equal to 1 does nothing.

      theorem TensorTree.add_comm {S : TensorSpecies} {n✝ : } {c : Fin n✝S.C} (t1 t2 : TensorTree S c) :
      (t1.add t2).tensor = (t2.add t1).tensor

      The addition node is commutative.

      theorem TensorTree.add_assoc {S : TensorSpecies} {n✝ : } {c : Fin n✝S.C} (t1 t2 t3 : TensorTree S c) :
      ((t1.add t2).add t3).tensor = (t1.add (t2.add t3)).tensor

      The addition node is associative.

      theorem TensorTree.add_perm {S : TensorSpecies} {n m : } {c : Fin nS.C} {c1 : Fin mS.C} (σ : c c1) (t t1 : TensorTree S c) :
      ((perm σ t).add (perm σ t1)).tensor = (perm σ (t.add t1)).tensor

      When the same permutation acts on both arguments of an addition, the permutation can be moved out of the addition.

      theorem TensorTree.perm_add {S : TensorSpecies} {n m : } {c : Fin nS.C} {c1 : Fin mS.C} (σ : c c1) (t t1 : TensorTree S c) :
      (perm σ (t.add t1)).tensor = ((perm σ t).add (perm σ t1)).tensor

      When a perm acts on an add node, it can be moved through the add-node to act on each of the two parts.

      theorem TensorTree.perm_smul {S : TensorSpecies} {n m : } {c : Fin nS.C} {c1 : Fin mS.C} (σ : c c1) (a : S.k) (t : TensorTree S c) :
      (perm σ (smul a t)).tensor = (smul a (perm σ t)).tensor

      A smul node can be moved through an perm node.

      theorem TensorTree.add_eval {S : TensorSpecies} {n : } {c : Fin n.succS.C} (i : Fin n.succ) (e : ) (t t1 : TensorTree S c) :
      ((eval i e t).add (eval i e t1)).tensor = (eval i e (t.add t1)).tensor

      When the same evaluation acts on both arguments of an addition, the evaluation can be moved out of the addition.

      theorem TensorTree.contr_add {S : TensorSpecies} {n : } {c : Fin n.succ.succS.C} {i : Fin n.succ.succ} {j : Fin n.succ} {h : c (i.succAbove j) = S.τ (c i)} (t1 t2 : TensorTree S c) :
      (contr i j h (t1.add t2)).tensor = ((contr i j h t1).add (contr i j h t2)).tensor

      When a contr acts on an add node, it can be moved through the add-node to act on each of the two parts.

      theorem TensorTree.contr_smul {S : TensorSpecies} {n : } {c : Fin n.succ.succS.C} {i : Fin n.succ.succ} {j : Fin n.succ} {h : c (i.succAbove j) = S.τ (c i)} (a : S.k) (t : TensorTree S c) :
      (contr i j h (smul a t)).tensor = (smul a (contr i j h t)).tensor

      A smul node can be moved through an contr node.

      theorem TensorTree.add_prod {S : TensorSpecies} {n m : } {c : Fin nS.C} {c1 : Fin mS.C} (t1 t2 : TensorTree S c) (t3 : TensorTree S c1) :
      ((t1.add t2).prod t3).tensor = (( t3).add ( t3)).tensor

      When a prod acts on an add node on the left, it can be moved through the add-node to act on each of the two parts.

      theorem TensorTree.prod_add {S : TensorSpecies} {n m : } {c : Fin nS.C} {c1 : Fin mS.C} (t1 : TensorTree S c) (t2 t3 : TensorTree S c1) :
      ( (t2.add t3)).tensor = (( t2).add ( t3)).tensor

      When a prod acts on an add node on the right, it can be moved through the add-node to act on each of the two parts.

      theorem TensorTree.smul_prod {S : TensorSpecies} {n m : } {c : Fin nS.C} {c1 : Fin mS.C} (a : S.k) (t1 : TensorTree S c) (t2 : TensorTree S c1) :
      ((smul a t1).prod t2).tensor = (smul a ( t2)).tensor

      A smul node in the LHS of a prod node can be moved through that prod node.

      theorem TensorTree.prod_smul {S : TensorSpecies} {n m : } {c : Fin nS.C} {c1 : Fin mS.C} (a : S.k) (t1 : TensorTree S c) (t2 : TensorTree S c1) :
      ( (smul a t2)).tensor = (smul a ( t2)).tensor

      A smul node in the RHS of a prod node can be moved through that prod node.

      theorem TensorTree.prod_add_both {S : TensorSpecies} {n m : } {c : Fin nS.C} {c1 : Fin mS.C} (t1 t2 : TensorTree S c) (t3 t4 : TensorTree S c1) :
      ((t1.add t2).prod (t3.add t4)).tensor = ((( t3).add ( t4)).add (( t3).add ( t4))).tensor

      When a prod node acts on an add node in both the LHS and RHS entries, it can be moved through both add nodes.

      Nodes and the group action. #

      theorem TensorTree.smul_action {S : TensorSpecies} {n : } {c : Fin nS.C} (g : S.G) (a : S.k) (t : TensorTree S c) :
      (smul a (action g t)).tensor = (action g (smul a t)).tensor

      An action node can be moved through a smul node.

      theorem TensorTree.contr_action {S : TensorSpecies} {n : } {c : Fin n.succ.succS.C} {i : Fin n.succ.succ} {j : Fin n.succ} {h : c (i.succAbove j) = S.τ (c i)} (g : S.G) (t : TensorTree S c) :
      (contr i j h (action g t)).tensor = (action g (contr i j h t)).tensor

      An action node can be moved through a contr node.

      theorem TensorTree.prod_action {S : TensorSpecies} {n n1 : } {c : Fin nS.C} {c1 : Fin n1S.C} (g : S.G) (t : TensorTree S c) (t1 : TensorTree S c1) :
      ((action g t).prod (action g t1)).tensor = (action g ( t1)).tensor

      An action node can be moved through a prod node when acting on both elements.

      theorem TensorTree.add_action {S : TensorSpecies} {n : } {c : Fin nS.C} (g : S.G) (t t1 : TensorTree S c) :
      ((action g t).add (action g t1)).tensor = (action g (t.add t1)).tensor

      An action node can be moved through a add node when acting on both elements.

      theorem TensorTree.perm_action {S : TensorSpecies} {n m : } {c : Fin nS.C} {c1 : Fin mS.C} (σ : c c1) (g : S.G) (t : TensorTree S c) :
      (perm σ (action g t)).tensor = (action g (perm σ t)).tensor

      An action node can be moved through a perm node.

      theorem TensorTree.neg_action {S : TensorSpecies} {n : } {c : Fin nS.C} (g : S.G) (t : TensorTree S c) :

      An action node can be moved through a neg node.

      theorem TensorTree.action_action {S : TensorSpecies} {n : } {c : Fin nS.C} (g h : S.G) (t : TensorTree S c) :
      (action g (action h t)).tensor = (action (g * h) t).tensor

      Two action nodes can be combined into a single action node.

      theorem TensorTree.action_id {S : TensorSpecies} {n : } {c : Fin nS.C} (t : TensorTree S c) :

      The action node for the identity leaves the tensor invariant.

      theorem TensorTree.action_constTwoNode {S : TensorSpecies} {c1 c2 : S.C} (v : 𝟙_ (Rep S.k S.G) CategoryTheory.MonoidalCategoryStruct.tensorObj (S.FD.obj { as := c1 }) (S.FD.obj { as := c2 })) (g : S.G) :

      An action node on a constTwoNode leaves the tensor invariant.

      theorem TensorTree.action_constThreeNode {S : TensorSpecies} {c1 c2 c3 : S.C} (v : 𝟙_ (Rep S.k S.G) CategoryTheory.MonoidalCategoryStruct.tensorObj (S.FD.obj { as := c1 }) (CategoryTheory.MonoidalCategoryStruct.tensorObj (S.FD.obj { as := c2 }) (S.FD.obj { as := c3 }))) (g : S.G) :

      An action node on a constThreeNode leaves the tensor invariant.