Elaboration of tensor trees #
- Syntax in Lean allows us to represent tensor expressions in a way close to what we expect to see on pen-and-paper.
- The elaborator turns this syntax into a tensor tree.
Examples #
- Suppose
are tensorsS.F (OverColor.mk ![c1, c2])
. {T | μ ν}ᵀ
istensorNode T
.- We can also write e.g.
{T | μ ν}ᵀ.tensor
to get the tensor itself. {- T | μ ν}ᵀ
isneg (tensorNode T)
.{T | 0 ν}ᵀ
iseval 0 0 (tensorNode T)
.{T | μ ν + T' | μ ν}ᵀ
isaddNode (tensorNode T) (perm _ (tensorNode T'))
, where here_
will be the identity permutation so does nothing.{T | μ ν = T' | μ ν}ᵀ
is(tensorNode T).tensor = (perm _ (tensorNode T')).tensor
.- If
a ∈ S.k
then{a •ₜ T | μ ν}ᵀ
issmulNode a (tensorNode T)
. - If
g ∈ S.G
then{g •ₐ T | μ ν}ᵀ
isactionNode g (tensorNode T)
. - Suppose
is a tensorS.F (OverColor.mk ![c3])
. Then{T | μ ν ⊗ T2 | σ}ᵀ
isprodNode (tensorNode T1) (tensorNode T2)
. - If
is a tensorS.F (OverColor.mk ![S.τ c1, S.τ c2])
, then{T | μ ν ⊗ T3 | μ σ}ᵀ
iscontr 0 1 _ (prodNode (tensorNode T1) (tensorNode T3))
.{T | μ ν ⊗ T3 | μ ν }ᵀ
iscontr 0 0 _ (contr 0 1 _ (prodNode (tensorNode T1) (tensorNode T3)))
. - If
is a tensorS.F (OverColor.mk ![c2, c1])
then{T | μ ν + T4 | ν μ }ᵀ
isaddNode (tensorNode T) (perm _ (tensorNode T4))
is the permutation of the two indices ofT4
.{T | μ ν = T4 | ν μ }ᵀ
is(tensorNode T).tensor = (perm _ (tensorNode T4)).tensor
is the permutation of the two indices ofT4
Comments #
- In all of theses expressions
etc are free. It does not matter what they are called, Lean will elaborate them in the same way. In other words,{T | μ ν ⊗ T3 | μ ν }ᵀ
is exactly the same to Lean as{T | α β ⊗ T3 | α β }ᵀ
. - Note that compared to ordinary index notation, we do not rise or lower the indices.
This is for two reasons: 1) It is difficult to make this general for all tensor species,
2) It is a redundancy in ordinary index notation, since the tensor
itself already tells you this information.
Indices #
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Instances For
A syntax category for indices of tensor expressions.
Instances For
A basic index is a ident.
- TensorTree.indexExpr_ = Lean.ParserDescr.node `TensorTree.indexExpr_ 1022 (Lean.ParserDescr.const `ident)
Instances For
An index can be a num, which will be used to evaluate the tensor.
- TensorTree.indexExpr__1 = Lean.ParserDescr.node `TensorTree.indexExpr__1 1022 (Lean.ParserDescr.const `num)
Instances For
Notation to describe the jiggle of a tensor index.
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Instances For
Bool which is true if an index is a num.
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Instances For
If an index is a num - the underlying natural number.
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Instances For
When an index is not a num, the corresponding ident.
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Instances For
Takes a pair a b : ℕ × TSyntax `indexExpr
. If a.1 < b.1
and a.2 = b.2
outputs some (a.1, b.1)
, otherwise none
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Instances For
Bool which is true if an index is of the form τ(i) that is, to be dualed.
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Instances For
Manipulation of lists of indexExpr #
Adjusts a list List ℕ
by subtracting from each natural number the number
of elements before it in the list which are less than itself. This is used
to form a list of pairs which can be used for evaluating indices.
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Instances For
For list of indexExpr
e.g. [α, 3, β, 2, γ]
, getEvalPos
returns a list of pairs ℕ × ℕ
related to indices which are numbers.
The second element of each pair is the number corresponding to that index.
The first element is the position of that number in the list of indices when
all other numbered indices before it are removed. Thus for the example given
outputs [(1, 3), (2, 2)]
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Instances For
For list of indexExpr
e.g. [α, 3, β, α, 2, γ]
, getContrPos
first removes all indices which are numbers (e.g. [α, β, α, γ]
It then outputs pairs (a, b)
in ℕ × ℕ
of positions of this list with a < b
such that the index at a
is equal to the index at b
. It checkes whether or not
an element is contracted more then once.
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Instances For
The list of indices after contraction or evaluation.
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Instances For
Takes a list and puts consecutive elements into pairs. e.g. [0, 1, 2, 3] becomes [(0, 1), (2, 3)].
Instances For
Adjusts a list List (ℕ × ℕ)
by subtracting from each natural number the number
of elements before it in the list which are less than itself. This is used
to form a list of pairs which can be used for contracting indices.
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Instances For
Permutations of indices #
Given two lists of indices, all of which are indent,
returns the List (ℕ)
representing the how one list
permutes into the other.
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Instances For
The construction of an expression corresponding to the type of a given string once parsed.
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Instances For
Given two lists of indices returns the permutation between them based on finMapToEquiv
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Instances For
Syntax for tensor expressions. #
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Instances For
A syntax category for tensor expressions.
Instances For
The syntax for a tensor node.
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Instances For
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Instances For
The syntax for tensor prod two tensor nodes.
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Instances For
The syntax for tensor addition.
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Instances For
Allowing brackets to be used in a tensor expression.
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Instances For
Scalar multiplication for tensors.
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Instances For
group action for tensors.
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Instances For
Negation of a tensor tree.
- TensorTree.«tensorExpr-_» = Lean.ParserDescr.node `TensorTree.«tensorExpr-_» 1022 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "-") (Lean.ParserDescr.cat `tensorExpr 0))
Instances For
Syntax of tensor expressions to indices. #
For syntax of the form T
where T
is S.F.obj (OverColor.mk c)
this returns
the value of TensorSpecies.numIndices T
. That is, the exact number of indices
associated with that tensor.
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Instances For
For syntax of the form T | α β 2 β
, getAllIndices
returns a list [α, β, 2, β]
of all indexExpr
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Instances For
The function getProdIndices
is defined for the following syntax:
- For e.g.
T | α β 2 β
, it returns all uncontracted and unevaluated indices e.g.[α]
- For e.g.
T1 | α β 2 β ⊗ T2 | α γ δ δ
it returns all unevaluated indices which are not contracted in either tensor e.g.[α, α, γ]
. - For e.g.
(T1 | α β 2 β ⊗ T2 | α γ δ δ) ⊗ T3 | γ
it does2
recursively e.g.[γ, γ]
Returns the remaining indices of a tensor expression after contraction and evaulation.
Thus every index in the output of getIndicesFull
is ident and there are no duplicates.
Examples are:
T | α β 2 β
T1 | α β 2 β ⊗ T2 | α γ δ δ
(T1 | α β 2 β ⊗ T2 | α γ δ δ) ⊗ T3 | γ
T1 | α β 2 β + T2 | α 4 δ δ
Gets the indices associated with the LHS of an addition.
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Instances For
Gets the indices associated with the RHS of an addition.
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Instances For
Gets the indices associated with the LHS of an equality.
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Instances For
Gets the indices associated with the RHS of an equality.
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Instances For
Modifying terms to tensor trees #
For a term of the form T
where T
is S.F.obj (OverColor.mk c)
returns the term corresponding to the tensorNode T
- TensorTree.nodeTermMap T = Lean.Syntax.mkApp { raw := (Lean.mkIdent `TensorTree.tensorNode).raw } #[T]
Instances For
Given a list l
of pairs ℕ × ℕ
and a term T
corresponding to a tensor tree,
for each (a, b)
in l
, evalSyntax
applies TensorTree.eval a b
to T
Here a
is the position of the index to be evaluated and b
is the value it is evaluated to.
For example, if l
is [(1, 2), (1, 4)]
and T
is a tensor tree then evalSyntax l T
is TensorTree.eval 1 4 (TensorTree.eval 1 2 T)
The list l
is expected to be the output of getEvalPos
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Instances For
For each element of l : List (ℕ × ℕ)
applies TensorTree.contr
to the given term.
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Instances For
The syntax associated with a product of tensors.
- TensorTree.prodTermMap T1 T2 = Lean.Syntax.mkApp { raw := (Lean.mkIdent `TensorTree.prod).raw } #[T1, T2]
Instances For
The syntax associated with a product of tensors.
- TensorTree.negTermMap T1 = Lean.Syntax.mkApp { raw := (Lean.mkIdent `TensorTree.neg).raw } #[T1]
Instances For
The syntax associated with the scalar multiplication of tensors.
- TensorTree.smulTermMap c T = Lean.Syntax.mkApp { raw := (Lean.mkIdent `TensorTree.smul).raw } #[c, T]
Instances For
The syntax associated with the group action of tensors.
- TensorTree.actionTermMap c T = Lean.Syntax.mkApp { raw := (Lean.mkIdent `TensorTree.action).raw } #[c, T]
Instances For
The syntax for a equality of tensor trees.
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Instances For
The syntax for a equality of tensor trees.
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Instances For
Syntax to tensor tree #
Takes a syntax corresponding to a tensor expression and turns it into a term correspondnig to a tensor tree.
Elaboration #
Takes a syntax corresponding to a tensor expression and turns it into an expression corresponding to a tensor tree.
- TensorTree.elaborateTensorNode stx = do let __do_lift ← TensorTree.syntaxFull stx let tensorExpr ← Lean.Elab.Term.elabTerm __do_lift.raw none pure tensorExpr
Instances For
The tensor tree corresponding to a tensor expression.
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