PhysLean Documentation


The contraction map #

The isomorphism between the image of a map Fin 1 ⊕ Fin 1 → S.C constructed by finExtractTwo under S.F.obj, and an object in the image of OverColor.Discrete.pairτ S.FD.

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Instances For
    theorem TensorSpecies.contrFin1Fin1_inv_tmul (S : TensorSpecies) {n : } (c : Fin n.succ.succS.C) (i : Fin n.succ.succ) (j : Fin n.succ) (h : c (i.succAbove j) = S.τ (c i)) (x : (S.FD.obj { as := c i }).V) (y : (S.FD.obj { as := S.τ (c i) }).V) :

    The isomorphism of objects in Rep S.k S.G given an i in Fin n.succ.succ and a j in Fin n.succ allowing us to undertake contraction.

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    Instances For
      def TensorSpecies.contrMap (S : TensorSpecies) {n : } (c : Fin n.succ.succS.C) (i : Fin n.succ.succ) (j : Fin n.succ) (h : c (i.succAbove j) = S.τ (c i)) :

      contrMap is a function that takes a natural number n, a function c from Fin n.succ.succ to S.C, an index i of type Fin n.succ.succ, an index j of type Fin n.succ, and a proof h that c (i.succAbove j) = S.τ (c i). It returns a morphism corresponding to the contraction of the ith index with the i.succAbove j index. #

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      Instances For

        Acting with contrMap on a tprod gives a tprod multiplied by a scalar.