PhysLean Documentation


Isomorphism between rep of color c and rep of dual color. #

def TensorSpecies.toDualRep (S : TensorSpecies) (c : S.C) :
S.FD.obj { as := c } S.FD.obj { as := S.τ c }

The morphism from S.FD.obj ( c) to S.FD.obj ( (S.τ c)) defined by contracting with the metric.

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Instances For

    The toDualRep for equal colors is the same, up-to conjugation by a trivial equivalence.

    def TensorSpecies.fromDualRep (S : TensorSpecies) (c : S.C) :
    S.FD.obj { as := S.τ c } S.FD.obj { as := c }

    The morphism from S.FD.obj ( (S.τ c)) to S.FD.obj ( c) defined by contracting with the metric.

    Instances For

      Expansion of toDualRep is (S.tensorToVec c).inv.hom x | μ ⊗ S.metricTensor (S.τ c) | μ ν.

      def TensorSpecies.dualRepIsoDiscrete (S : TensorSpecies) (c : S.C) :
      S.FD.obj { as := c } S.FD.obj { as := S.τ c }

      The isomorphism between the representation associated with a color, and that associated with its dual.

      Instances For

        Given a i : Fin n the isomorphism between S.F.obj ( c) and S.F.obj ( (Function.update c i (S.τ (c i)))) induced by dualRepIsoDiscrete acting on the i-th component of the color.

        Instances For

          Acting with dualRepIso on the fst component of a unitTensor returns a metric.

          Instances For

            Acting with dualRepIso on the snd component of a unitTensor returns a metric.

            Instances For

              Acting with dualRepIso on the fst component of a metricTensor returns a unitTensor.

              Instances For

                Acting with dualRepIso on the snd component of a metricTensor returns a unitTensor.

                Instances For