PhysLean Documentation


Contraction of specific tensor types #

In this file we expand some contractions of given tensors in terms of basic categorical properties of the tensor species.

Th map built contracting a 1-tensor with a 2-tensor using basic categorical constructions.

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Instances For
    theorem TensorSpecies.contr_two_two_inner_tprod {S : TensorSpecies} (c : S.C) (x : (S.F.obj ( ![c, c])).V) (fx : (i : ( Type).obj ( ![c, c]).left) → (S.FD.obj { as := ( ![c, c]).hom i }).V) (y : (S.F.obj ( ![S.τ c, S.τ c])).V) (fy : (i : ( Type).obj ( ![S.τ c, S.τ c]).left) → (S.FD.obj { as := ( ![S.τ c, S.τ c]).hom i }).V) (hx : x = (PiTensorProduct.tprod S.k) fx) (hy : y = (PiTensorProduct.tprod S.k) fy) :

    Expands the inner contraction of two 2-tensors which are tprods in terms of basic categorical constructions and fields of the tensor species.

    theorem TensorSpecies.contr_two_two_inner {S : TensorSpecies} (c : S.C) (x : (S.F.obj ( ![c, c])).V) (y : (S.F.obj ( ![S.τ c, S.τ c])).V) :

    Expands the inner contraction of two 2-tensors in terms of basic categorical constructions and fields of the tensor species.