PhysLean Documentation


Contraction of vectors #

This file is down stream of TensorTree. There are other files in TensorSpecies.Contractions which are up-stream of TensorTree.

def TensorSpecies.contractSelfHom (S : TensorSpecies) (c : S.C) :
CategoryTheory.MonoidalCategoryStruct.tensorObj (S.FD.obj { as := c }) (S.FD.obj { as := c }) 𝟙_ (Rep S.k S.G)

The equivariant map from S.FD.obj ( c) ⊗ S.FD.obj ( c) to the underlying field obtained by contracting.

Instances For
    def TensorSpecies.contractSelfField {S : TensorSpecies} {c : S.C} :
    TensorProduct S.k (S.FD.obj { as := c }).V (S.FD.obj { as := c }).V →ₗ[S.k] S.k

    The contraction of two vectors in a tensor species of the same color, as a linear map to the underlying field.

    Instances For

      Notation for coCoContract acting on a tmul.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        theorem TensorSpecies.contractSelfField_equivariant {S : TensorSpecies} {c : S.C} {g : S.G} (ψ φ : (S.FD.obj { as := c }).V) :
        contractSelfField (((S.FD.obj { as := c }).ρ g) ψ ⊗ₜ[S.k] ((S.FD.obj { as := c }).ρ g) φ) = contractSelfField (ψ ⊗ₜ[S.k] φ)

        The map contractSelfField is equivariant with respect to the group action.

        The contraction of two vectors of the same color is non-degenerate, i.e., ⟪ψ, φ⟫ₜₛ = 0 for all φ implies ψ = 0.

        Proof: the basic idea is that being degenerate contradicts the assumption of having a unit in the tensor species.

        Instances For

          The contraction ⟪ψ, φ⟫ₜₛ is related to the tensor tree {ψ | μ ⊗ (S.dualRepIsoDiscrete c).hom φ | μ}ᵀ.

          Instances For

            IsNormOne #

            def TensorSpecies.IsNormOne (S : TensorSpecies) {c : S.C} (ψ : (S.FD.obj { as := c }).V) :

            A vector satisfies IsNormOne if it has norm equal to one, i.e. if ⟪ψ, ψ⟫ₜₛ = 1.

            Instances For
              theorem TensorSpecies.action_isNormOne_of_isNormOne (S : TensorSpecies) {c : S.C} {ψ : (S.FD.obj { as := c }).V} (g : S.G) :
              S.IsNormOne (((S.FD.obj { as := c }).ρ g) ψ) S.IsNormOne ψ

              If a vector is norm-one, then any vector in the orbit of that vector is also norm-one.

              IsNormZero #

              def TensorSpecies.IsNormZero (S : TensorSpecies) {c : S.C} (ψ : (S.FD.obj { as := c }).V) :

              A vector satisfies IsNormZero if it has norm equal to zero, i.e. if ⟪ψ, ψ⟫ₜₛ = 0.

              Instances For

                The zero vector has norm equal to zero.

                theorem TensorSpecies.smul_isNormZero_of_isNormZero (S : TensorSpecies) {c : S.C} {ψ : (S.FD.obj { as := c }).V} (h : S.IsNormZero ψ) (a : S.k) :
                S.IsNormZero (a ψ)

                If a vector is norm-zero, then any scalar multiple of that vector is also norm-zero.

                theorem TensorSpecies.action_isNormZero_iff_isNormZero (S : TensorSpecies) {c : S.C} {ψ : (S.FD.obj { as := c }).V} (g : S.G) :
                S.IsNormZero (((S.FD.obj { as := c }).ρ g) ψ) S.IsNormZero ψ

                If a vector is norm-zero, then any vector in the orbit of that vector is also norm-zero.