Contraction of vectors #
This file is down stream of TensorTree
There are other files in TensorSpecies.Contractions
which are up-stream of TensorTree
The equivariant map from S.FD.obj ( c) ⊗ S.FD.obj ( c)
the underlying field obtained by contracting.
- S.contractSelfHom c = CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (CategoryTheory.MonoidalCategoryStruct.whiskerLeft (S.FD.obj { as := c }) (S.dualRepIsoDiscrete c).hom) ( { as := c })
Instances For
The contraction of two vectors in a tensor species of the same color, as a linear map to the underlying field.
Instances For
Notation for coCoContract
acting on a tmul.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The map contractSelfField
is equivariant with respect to the group action.
The contraction of two vectors of the same color is non-degenerate, i.e., ⟪ψ, φ⟫ₜₛ = 0
for all
implies ψ = 0
Proof: the basic idea is that being degenerate contradicts the assumption of having a unit in the tensor species.
- TensorSpecies.contractSelfField_non_degenerate = { deps := [`TensorSpecies.contractSelfField] }
Instances For
The contraction ⟪ψ, φ⟫ₜₛ
is related to the tensor tree
{ψ | μ ⊗ (S.dualRepIsoDiscrete c).hom φ | μ}ᵀ
- TensorSpecies.contractSelfField_tensorTree = { deps := [`TensorSpecies.contractSelfField, `TensorTree] }
Instances For
IsNormOne #
IsNormZero #
A vector satisfies IsNormZero
if it has norm equal to zero, i.e. if ⟪ψ, ψ⟫ₜₛ = 0
- S.IsNormZero ψ = (TensorSpecies.contractSelfField (ψ ⊗ₜ[S.k] ψ) = 0)
Instances For
The zero vector has norm equal to zero.
If a vector is norm-zero, then any scalar multiple of that vector is also norm-zero.
If a vector is norm-zero, then any vector in the orbit of that vector is also norm-zero.