PhysLean Documentation


Space time #

This file introduce 4d Minkowski spacetime.

The space-time

Instances For

    Give spacetime the structure of an additive commutative monoid.


    Give spacetime the structure of a module over the reals.


    The instance of a normed group on spacetime defined via the Euclidean norm.


    The Euclidean norm-structure on space time. This is used to give it a smooth structure.


    The space part of spacetime.

    Instances For

      The standard basis for spacetime.

      Instances For
        theorem SpaceTime.stdBasis_apply (μ ν : Fin 4) :
        stdBasis μ ν = if μ = ν then 1 else 0
        theorem SpaceTime.stdBasis_not_eq {μ ν : Fin 4} (h : μ ν) :
        stdBasis μ ν = 0

        For space-time,stdBasis 0 is equal to ![1, 0, 0, 0] .

        For space-time,stdBasis 1 is equal to ![0, 1, 0, 0] .

        For space-time,stdBasis 2 is equal to ![0, 0, 1, 0] .

        For space-time,stdBasis 3 is equal to ![0, 0, 0, 1] .

        theorem SpaceTime.stdBasis_mulVec (μ ν : Fin 4) (Λ : Matrix (Fin 4) (Fin 4) ) :
        Λ.mulVec (stdBasis μ) ν = Λ ν μ
        theorem SpaceTime.explicit (x : SpaceTime) :
        x = ![x 0, x 1, x 2, x 3]

        The explicit expansion of a point in spacetime as ![x 0, x 1, x 2, x 3].

        theorem SpaceTime.add_apply (x y : SpaceTime) (i : Fin 4) :
        (x + y) i = x i + y i
        theorem SpaceTime.smul_apply (x : SpaceTime) (a : ) (i : Fin 4) :
        (a x) i = a * x i