PhysLean Documentation


Lorentz vectors with norm one #

def Lorentz.Contr.NormOne (d : ) :
Set (Contr d).V

The set of Lorentz vectors with norm 1.

Instances For
    theorem Lorentz.Contr.NormOne.mem_mulAction {d : } (g : (LorentzGroup d)) (v : (Contr d).V) :
    v NormOne d ((Contr d).ρ g) v NormOne d
    def Lorentz.Contr.NormOne.neg {d : } (v : (NormOne d)) :
    (NormOne d)

    The negative of a NormOne as a NormOne.

    Instances For

      The first column of a Lorentz matrix as a NormOneLorentzVector.

      Instances For
        theorem LorentzGroup.toNormOne_coe_val {d : } (Λ : (LorentzGroup d)) (a✝ : Fin 1 Fin d) :
        (↑(toNormOne Λ)).val a✝ = (↑Λ).mulVec (⇑(Finsupp.single (Sum.inl 0) 1)) a✝
        theorem LorentzGroup.toNormOne_inl {d : } (Λ : (LorentzGroup d)) :
        (↑(toNormOne Λ)).val (Sum.inl 0) = Λ (Sum.inl 0) (Sum.inl 0)
        theorem LorentzGroup.toNormOne_inr {d : } (Λ : (LorentzGroup d)) (i : Fin d) :
        (↑(toNormOne Λ)).val (Sum.inr i) = Λ (Sum.inr i) (Sum.inl 0)
        theorem Lorentz.Contr.NormOne.inl_sq {d : } (v : (NormOne d)) :
        (↑v).val (Sum.inl 0) ^ 2 = 1 + ContrMod.toSpace v ^ 2
        theorem Lorentz.Contr.NormOne.one_le_abs_inl {d : } (v : (NormOne d)) :
        1 |(↑v).val (Sum.inl 0)|
        theorem Lorentz.Contr.NormOne.inl_le_neg_one_or_one_le_inl {d : } (v : (NormOne d)) :
        (↑v).val (Sum.inl 0) -1 1 (↑v).val (Sum.inl 0)

        Future pointing norm one Lorentz vectors #

        The future pointing Lorentz vectors with Norm one.

        Instances For
          theorem Lorentz.Contr.NormOne.FuturePointing.abs_inl {d : } (f : (FuturePointing d)) :
          |(↑f).val (Sum.inl 0)| = (↑f).val (Sum.inl 0)

          Topology #

          The FuturePointing d which has all space components zero.

          Instances For

            A continuous path from timeVecNormOneFuture to any other.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For