PhysLean Documentation


Real Lorentz vectors #

We define real Lorentz vectors in as representations of the Lorentz group.

The representation of LorentzGroup d on real vectors corresponding to contravariant Lorentz vectors. In index notation these have an up index ψⁱ.

Instances For
    theorem Lorentz.continuous_contr {d : } {T : Type} [TopologicalSpace T] (f : T(Contr d).V) (h : Continuous fun (i : T) => ContrMod.toFin1dℝ (f i)) :
    def Lorentz.Co (d : ) :

    The representation of LorentzGroup d on real vectors corresponding to covariant Lorentz vectors. In index notation these have an up index ψⁱ.

    Instances For

      Isomorphism between contravariant and covariant Lorentz vectors #

      The morphism of representations from Contr d to Co d defined by multiplication with the metric.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        The morphism of representations from Co d to Contr d defined by multiplication with the metric.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For

          The isomorphism between Contr d and Co d induced by multiplication with the Minkowski metric.

          Instances For

            Other properties #

            theorem Lorentz.Contr.ρ_stdBasis (μ : Fin 1 Fin 3) (Λ : (LorentzGroup 3)) :
            ((Contr 3).ρ Λ) (ContrMod.stdBasis μ) = j : Fin 1 Fin 3, Λ j μ ContrMod.stdBasis j