PhysLean Documentation


The Lorentz Group #

We define the Lorentz group.

References #

Matrices which preserves the Minkowski metric #

We start studying the properties of matrices which preserve ηLin. These matrices form the Lorentz group, which we will define in the next section at lorentzGroup.

def LorentzGroup (d : ) :
Set (Matrix (Fin 1 Fin d) (Fin 1 Fin d) )

The Lorentz group is the subset of matrices for which Λ * dual Λ = 1.

Instances For

    Notation for the Lorentz group.

    Instances For

      Membership conditions #

      theorem LorentzGroup.mem_mul {d : } {Λ Λ' : Matrix (Fin 1 Fin d) (Fin 1 Fin d) } (hΛ : Λ LorentzGroup d) (hΛ' : Λ' LorentzGroup d) :
      Λ * Λ' LorentzGroup d

      The Lorentz group as a group #

      instance lorentzGroupIsGroup {d : } :

      The instance of a group on LorentzGroup d.

      theorem lorentzGroupIsGroup_mul_coe {d : } (A B : (LorentzGroup d)) :
      ↑(A * B) = A * B
      theorem lorentzGroupIsGroup_inv {d : } (A : (LorentzGroup d)) :
      A⁻¹ = minkowskiMatrix.dual A,
      theorem lorentzGroupIsGroup_one_coe {d : } :
      1 = 1
      theorem lorentzGroupIsGroup_div {d : } (a b : (LorentzGroup d)) :
      theorem LorentzGroup.coe_inv {d : } {Λ : (LorentzGroup d)} :
      Λ⁻¹ = (↑Λ)⁻¹

      The underlying matrix of a Lorentz transformation is invertible.

      theorem LorentzGroup.subtype_inv_mul {d : } {Λ : (LorentzGroup d)} :
      (↑Λ)⁻¹ * Λ = 1
      theorem LorentzGroup.subtype_mul_inv {d : } {Λ : (LorentzGroup d)} :
      Λ * (↑Λ)⁻¹ = 1
      def LorentzGroup.transpose {d : } (Λ : (LorentzGroup d)) :

      The transpose of a matrix in the Lorentz group is an element of the Lorentz group.

      Instances For
        theorem LorentzGroup.transpose_mul {d : } {Λ Λ' : (LorentzGroup d)} :
        transpose (Λ * Λ') = transpose Λ' * transpose Λ
        theorem LorentzGroup.transpose_val {d : } {Λ : (LorentzGroup d)} :
        (transpose Λ) = (↑Λ).transpose

        Lorentz group as a topological group #

        We now show that the Lorentz group is a topological group. We do this by showing that the natrual map from the Lorentz group to GL (Fin 4) ℝ is an embedding.

        The homomorphism of the Lorentz group into GL (Fin 4) ℝ.

        Instances For

          The homomorphism from the Lorentz Group into the monoid of matrices times the opposite of the monoid of matrices.

          Instances For
            theorem LorentzGroup.toProd_apply {d : } (a✝ : (LorentzGroup d)) :
            toProd a✝ = ((toGL a✝), (MulOpposite.op (toGL a✝))⁻¹)

            The embedding from the Lorentz Group into the monoid of matrices times the opposite of the monoid of matrices.

            The embedding from the Lorentz Group into GL (Fin 4) ℝ.

            The embedding of the Lorentz group into GL(n, ℝ) gives LorentzGroup d an instance of a topological group.

            To Complex matrices #

            The monoid homomorphisms taking the lorentz group to complex matrices.

            Instances For

              The image of a Lorentz transformation under toComplex is invertible.


              The parity transformation.

              Instances For