PhysLean Documentation


Interaction of Pauli matrices with self-adjoint matrices #

theorem PauliMatrix.selfAdjoint_trace_σ0_real (A : (selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ))) :
(σ0 * A) = (σ0 * A).trace

The trace of σ0 multiplied by a self-adjoint 2×2 matrix is real.

theorem PauliMatrix.selfAdjoint_trace_σ1_real (A : (selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ))) :
(σ1 * A) = (σ1 * A).trace

The trace of σ1 multiplied by a self-adjoint 2×2 matrix is real.

theorem PauliMatrix.selfAdjoint_trace_σ2_real (A : (selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ))) :
(σ2 * A) = (σ2 * A).trace

The trace of σ2 multiplied by a self-adjoint 2×2 matrix is real.

theorem PauliMatrix.selfAdjoint_trace_σ3_real (A : (selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ))) :
(σ3 * A) = (σ3 * A).trace

The trace of σ3 multiplied by a self-adjoint 2×2 matrix is real.

theorem PauliMatrix.selfAdjoint_ext_complex {A B : (selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ))} (h0 : (σ0 * A).trace = (σ0 * B).trace) (h1 : (σ1 * A).trace = (σ1 * B).trace) (h2 : (σ2 * A).trace = (σ2 * B).trace) (h3 : (σ3 * A).trace = (σ3 * B).trace) :
A = B

Two 2×2 self-adjoint matrices are equal if the (complex) traces of each matrix multiplied by each of the Pauli-matrices are equal.

theorem PauliMatrix.selfAdjoint_ext {A B : (selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ))} (h0 : (σ0 * A) = (σ0 * B) (h1 : (σ1 * A) = (σ1 * B) (h2 : (σ2 * A) = (σ2 * B) (h3 : (σ3 * A) = (σ3 * B) :
A = B

Two 2×2 self-adjoint matrices are equal if the real traces of each matrix multiplied by each of the Pauli-matrices are equal.

def PauliMatrix.σSA' (i : Fin 1 Fin 3) :
(selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ))

An auxiliary function which on i : Fin 1 ⊕ Fin 3 returns the corresponding Pauli-matrix as a self-adjoint matrix.

Instances For

    The Pauli matrices are linearly independent.

    The Pauli matrices span all self-adjoint matrices.

    The basis of selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ℂ) formed by Pauli matrices.

    Instances For
      def PauliMatrix.σSAL' (i : Fin 1 Fin 3) :
      (selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ))

      An auxiliary function which on i : Fin 1 ⊕ Fin 3 returns the corresponding Pauli-matrix as a self-adjoint matrix with a minus sign for Sum.inr _.

      Instances For

        The Pauli matrices where σi are negated are linearly independent.

        The Pauli matrices where σi are negated span all Self-adjoint matrices.

        The basis of selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ℂ) formed by Pauli matrices where the 1, 2, 3 pauli matrices are negated. These can be thought of as the covariant Pauli-matrices.

        Instances For
          theorem PauliMatrix.σSAL_decomp (M : (selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ))) :
          M = (1 / 2 * (σ0 * M) σSAL (Sum.inl 0) + (-1 / 2 * (σ1 * M) σSAL (Sum.inr 0) + (-1 / 2 * (σ2 * M) σSAL (Sum.inr 1) + (-1 / 2 * (σ3 * M) σSAL (Sum.inr 2)

          The decomposition of a self-adjoint matrix into the Pauli matrices (where σi are negated).

          theorem PauliMatrix.σSAL_repr_inl_0 (M : (selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ))) :
          ((σSAL.repr M) (Sum.inl 0)) = 1 / 2 * (σ0 * M).trace

          The component of a self-adjoint matrix in the direction σ0 under the basis formed by the covariant Pauli matrices.

          theorem PauliMatrix.σSAL_repr_inr_0 (M : (selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ))) :
          ((σSAL.repr M) (Sum.inr 0)) = -1 / 2 * (σ1 * M).trace

          The component of a self-adjoint matrix in the direction -σ1 under the basis formed by the covariant Pauli matrices.

          theorem PauliMatrix.σSAL_repr_inr_1 (M : (selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ))) :
          ((σSAL.repr M) (Sum.inr 1)) = -1 / 2 * (σ2 * M).trace

          The component of a self-adjoint matrix in the direction -σ2 under the basis formed by the covariant Pauli matrices.

          theorem PauliMatrix.σSAL_repr_inr_2 (M : (selfAdjoint (Matrix (Fin 2) (Fin 2) ))) :
          ((σSAL.repr M) (Sum.inr 2)) = -1 / 2 * (σ3 * M).trace

          The component of a self-adjoint matrix in the direction -σ3 under the basis formed by the covariant Pauli matrices.

          The relationship between the basis σSA of contravariant Pauli-matrices and the basis σSAL of covariant Pauli matrices is by multiplication by the Minkowski matrix.