PhysLean Documentation


The Minkowski matrix #

The definition of the Minkowski Matrix #

def minkowskiMatrix {d : } :
Matrix (Fin 1 Fin d) (Fin 1 Fin d)

The d.succ-dimensional real matrix of the form diag(1, -1, -1, -1, ...).

Instances For

    The Minkowski matrix is self-inverting.


    The Minkowski matrix is symmetric.


    The determinant of the Minkowski matrix is equal to -1 to the power of the number of spatial dimensions.


    Multiplying any element on the diagonal of the Minkowski matrix by itself gives 1.

    The Minkowski matrix as a block matrix.

    theorem minkowskiMatrix.off_diag_zero {d : } {μ ν : Fin 1 Fin d} (h : μ ν) :

    The off diagonal elements of the Minkowski matrix are zero.

    The time-time component of the Minkowski matrix is 1.

    The space diagonal components of the Minkowski matrix are -1.


    The time components of a vector acted on by the Minkowski matrix remains unchanged.

    theorem minkowskiMatrix.mulVec_inr_i {d : } (v : Fin 1 Fin d) (i : Fin d) :

    The space components of a vector acted on by the Minkowski matrix swaps sign.

    def minkowskiMatrix.dual {d : } (Λ : Matrix (Fin 1 Fin d) (Fin 1 Fin d) ) :
    Matrix (Fin 1 Fin d) (Fin 1 Fin d)

    The dual of a matrix with respect to the Minkowski metric. A suitable name fo this construction is the Minkowski dual.

    Instances For
      theorem minkowskiMatrix.dual_id {d : } :
      dual 1 = 1

      The Minkowski dual of the identity is the identity.

      theorem minkowskiMatrix.dual_mul {d : } (Λ Λ' : Matrix (Fin 1 Fin d) (Fin 1 Fin d) ) :
      dual (Λ * Λ') = dual Λ' * dual Λ

      The Minkowski dual swaps multiplications (acts contravariantly).


      The Minkowski dual is involutive (i.e. dual (dual Λ)) = Λ).


      The Minkowski dual preserves the Minkowski matrix.


      The Minkowski dual commutes with the transpose.

      theorem minkowskiMatrix.det_dual {d : } (Λ : Matrix (Fin 1 Fin d) (Fin 1 Fin d) ) :
      (dual Λ).det = Λ.det

      The Minkowski dual preserves determinants.

      theorem minkowskiMatrix.dual_apply {d : } (Λ : Matrix (Fin 1 Fin d) (Fin 1 Fin d) ) (μ ν : Fin 1 Fin d) :
      dual Λ μ ν = minkowskiMatrix μ μ * Λ ν μ * minkowskiMatrix ν ν

      Expansion of the components of the Minkowski dual in terms of the components of the original matrix.

      theorem minkowskiMatrix.dual_apply_minkowskiMatrix {d : } (Λ : Matrix (Fin 1 Fin d) (Fin 1 Fin d) ) (μ ν : Fin 1 Fin d) :
      dual Λ μ ν * minkowskiMatrix ν ν = minkowskiMatrix μ μ * Λ ν μ

      The components of the Minkowski dual of a matrix multiplied by the Minkowski matrix in terms of the original matrix.