PhysLean Documentation


Bispinors #

Definitions #

A bispinor pᵃᵃ created from a lorentz vector p^μ.

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Instances For

    A bispinor pᵃᵃ created from a lorentz vector p_μ.

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    Instances For

      Tensor nodes #

      Basic equalities. #

      {contrBispinorUp p | α β = εL | α α' ⊗ εR | β β'⊗ contrBispinorDown p | α' β' }ᵀ.

      Proof: expand contrBispinorDown and use fact that metrics contract to the identity.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        {coBispinorUp p | α β = εL | α α' ⊗ εR | β β'⊗ coBispinorDown p | α' β' }ᵀ.

        proof: expand coBispinorDown and use fact that metrics contract to the identity.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For